View Full Version : Lower Back Pain. Really freaked out.

07-06-09, 21:33
Over the past year i've had lower back pain.
When it first started out it was REALLY BAD.
it's not as bad now.
Sometimes I'll wake up and my back will hurt me. Sometimes I'll be with some girlfriends and I'll jump around or act goofy and i'm sure that hasn't helped.

I'm positive it isn't my kidneys.
I went two days ago for an X-Ray and FREAKED OUT.
I'm seriously scared that theyre going to find something BAD.

My parents are saying it's probably a pulled muscle or inflammation or something.
I never get any exersize (im not overweight though. I'm actually really skinny)
I sit in my awful computer chair for up to 5 hours a day,
my mattress is really hard.

I dont know...I'm just afraid theyre going to find something.
I'm only 16 years old and I have back pain!!!
Could someone help me? Like, give me suggestions of what it could be?
this is driving my axiety up a wall.