View Full Version : mind not mine

07-06-09, 21:45
does anyone else feel like there head is split in 2 and half is always worrying and throwing in thoughts.
i cant seem to even watch tv or read, just total worry and negative thoughts running around my head.

07-06-09, 21:48
Hi Dante,

Definately.... At the moment I am so much better, I cant believe it, but I totally understand how you are feeling


07-06-09, 21:56
i just feel like i have no control, the worst of it is i started a few years back with panic attacks, then i got anxiety and when i read up about it, it said u can have strange thoughts of harming loved ones and thats where i am stuck it not really ocd because i im in total worry mode all the time, i get anxious for no reason at work, the anxiety is bad enough but the thoughts and the worry are wearing me out. does anyone else have these sort of thoughts.

07-06-09, 21:59
it happens to me all the time it feels like i dont even have control over my mind anymore!!

08-06-09, 00:22
Hi there.
The irrational thoughts side of my anxiety is the part that scares me the most. It just tends to creep up out of nowhere and drains away all of my positive emotions. At this exact point in time I am wide awake in bed because I had fallen to sleep but I awoke abruptly and for a split second I could not think what day it was! This sent me into a mild panic and made me feel as if I was losing my mind. All completely irrational I know but I feel now like I dare not go back to sleep in case the same thing happens again. I know that in order to deal with this I have to accept itand then remain calm and relaxed but my mind just runs away from me (especially at night) and I find it hard to control. Hence the reason for posting on here at this time of night, typing a very long message on an iPhone !!! I must be desperate :)

08-06-09, 00:23

omg, isnt it one of the most frustrating things.....,
I can be watchin tv, or someone is speaking to me, and i am looking at their face, trying to concentrate on what they are saying, mostly with a blank look on my face because my mind is having a full two way conversation going on, or BAM some horrendous or really horrible thought will just jump into my mind .... arghhhhhh, the trouble is you cant unthink it, but i have got a little better at trying to mentally push these type of thoughts away, even for a little while, or imagining i am collecting them and putting them into a big rubbish bin, ( best place for them) but only after i have whacked them with a big stick first:blush:. i know it sounds a bit mad , but give it a go , you never know it might help, think of a situation that would work for you, , but i like the big stick, sometimes i even kick them around for a bit too. lol:whistles:

best wishes

Pauline x :flowers:

08-06-09, 18:06
its very hard for me because my thoughts are what if i hurt someone and it is there all the time, so i dont get anybreather from it. its like i have a thought telling me all the time that i have anxiety so am always aware of it but the thoughts are really scary sometimes

08-06-09, 18:39
Hi Dante, as distressing as your thoughts are, they are normal. I have had them on and off all my life during times when I am very anxious or when I have lost my self-confidence. I have never hurt anyone, including myself.

The thoughts are upsetting because they show us what we DON'T want to see -- I think it is just the way anxiety affects our imagination.