View Full Version : newcomer

07-06-09, 21:57
Im new to the site and really hoping to get some support from it. I'm 45 have a very stressful job (CEO) of a company and have had to deal with a lot lately. My Dad died in October after 4 years of pain and suffering...horrendous to waych. My Mum has also recently been in hospital twice as has my son. I coped really well through all of it and I do think I strive on a certain level of pressure and stress. Coming home last week in the car from work I had a massive panic attack, felt like everything was unreal and really thought I was losing it. My GP prescribed Citalopram and I have felt worse since taking it (I think). I started on 10mg and after 4 days went up to 20mg. I take it just before bed and the mornings are definitely the worst time of day. I did have a postnatal depression 19 years ago and I was very ill at that time, but managed to pull myself back and have 2 more kids, go to university and have landed a fantastic executive job. even knowing I coped before isnt helping me right now as I just feel anxious and down since taking the tablets. I just cant believe how bad I feel and how suddenly this has happened given I have coped so well with everything else over the past few years.
Anyway just wanted to introduce myself and hope we can support each other on this site.
all the best

07-06-09, 22:50
Hello there

welcome to nmp!!! I'm suffering my second bout of depression too, and it just materialised overnight!!! I thought I would be better equipped to cope. Last time I was on citlopram and after 1-3 weeks the side effects left and after 6-8 weeks I felt that I had my life back. I stayed on them 6 months and then weaned off them slowly. I was off them exactly 6 months when I took depression again. I wish I had stayed on them longer as if I had've had a thyroid problem I would have taken a pill for life and so I feel the same about this and will stay on the meds for longer.

This time I am taking cipralex and I definately feel that they are taking a lot longer to work - my progress (which has kicked in after 12 weeks) is frustratingly slow but I hope that this will be my last brush with this debilatating sickness and will stay on med indefinately to make sure of this.

Keep strong and try to be positive and this will help you through,


08-06-09, 15:06
thanks for responding. It can be very lonely when you feel so anxious all the time.

08-06-09, 15:09
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx