View Full Version : Totally Confused About The Way I Feel !

07-06-09, 22:09
Hi I'm new to the Forum and would appreciate support as I really don't understand what is going on.

Where do I start? It's fine to say at the beginning but that would take an absolute age. However, in short, I suffered with Panic Attacks when my marriage broke up 10 years ago - it was to be expected I suppose. Then I remarried a wonderful man who means the world to me and I'm putting him through hell. In the last 5 years we've lost 5 family members (4 with Cancer) including my Mum and Dad, we've moved from the UK to France, had a house built (with all the stress it entails) and left behind our children and grandchildren whom we endeavour to see as much as possible. However, for the past 2 years I haven't felt so good - tired, dizzy, weepy, hot flushes night and day, clammy skin and I could sleep on a clothes line. After a hot flush I feel exhausted and of course, worry about it. My doctor says I'm experiencing all the symptoms of the menopause - something else to worry about !! I just wish this would all go away and I'd feel my old self and in control. Does anyone else feel this way?

07-06-09, 22:59
if your dr thinks your suffering from the menopause has he no given you advice or form treatment, they could also be symptoms of anxiety as well. Don't worry about your husband if he loves you as much as its sounds then im sure he is worried but would love you to get better especially as you have been through so much already.

08-06-09, 09:12
Hi Sunndyd
My Doctor has given me medication but it doesn't touch the symptoms and he steers me towards anti-depressants which I'd rather not take. He says that anxiety/depression is part and parcel of the menopause but to date, I've not come across anyone who feels this way so obviously I'm anxious.

08-06-09, 09:36
its an antidepressant that got me into this mess! How long have you been taking the medication he has given you? it may take time to get the full effect. I do think some times antidepressants do help but they can take a few weeks to work and a while to come of them. My specialist bullied me into taking the antidepressent for ibs. After taking it on the night i ended up having a panic attack and im stuck in this situation but in the past they have helped me

08-06-09, 12:43
Hi Meggie,

I know exactly how you feel. You've had a lot of big changes in a short time, I posted similar myself a few days ago. Some people adjust more quickly than others. Plus the menopause is a biggie for many. I'm over the worst aspects of that, just the occasional hot flush, and some days I could move a mountain (or feel as if I could), other days, well 'sleep on a clothesline' is a very good description. :D

Lots of us in the same boat, fifties, bereavements, children leaving home,ill health.......I could go on and on...but I won't.

all the best