View Full Version : Pain below collar bone i need advice on

07-06-09, 23:57
I keep getting a stabbing pain just below my collar bone and im really worried i try to massage it to stop the pain its really uncomfortable.... i get lil pains in my hands aswell i feel a pain in my first finger and thumb this moment. does anyone else get this?!!!

08-06-09, 12:03
If the area I think of is correct then it might be your chest muscles, just below your collar bones are chest muscles which can get sore when you do heavy work, lifting or something, Be carefull with massaging it though, dont be to rough it it'll never stop hurting hehe

08-06-09, 12:53
Have you been lying in a draught or in an awkward positon when asleep? I lie funny on my left arm and always get pain in collar bone and fingers are numb for a few hours after waking. Ive tried changing postion but always wake up that way!
Best wishes,
Carol x

26-01-10, 01:26
hi, the pain is like someone is sticking needle into my bone...its hurts and wont go away!

06-08-20, 23:10
proably wind/ reflux pain - it can hurt alot