View Full Version : Remnants from a life on google

08-06-09, 02:07
For months now I have not been googling my symptoms but I am afraid the damage is already done. I have been having really dry skin on my knees and elbows. I have also been having random pains in my finges and toes, especially in the joints. I also feel really tired a lot. Since I used to spend so much time researching symptoms in the past, I am aware that dry skin and pain could mean a problem with my liver. I am really worried since this dry skin and fatigue is new and new is bad for me. Somebody PLEASE set me straight and help me out here. Any post is welcome, I just feel like I am losing my mind and that I must have something really wrong with me.


08-06-09, 03:59
its most likely nothing serious. i know i wish i could unread all of the crap i have read about every horrible disease, the truth is, we are not doctors, we shouldn't know this much. just a little reassurance, many many people have dry skin on the knees and elbows, they are the roughest dryest parts on most peoples bodies. the pains and fatigue are from worrying and stress and of course anxiety.

08-06-09, 06:53
i agree with nataliean, elbows and knees are the dryest places on the body: especially if you don't moustrize them regularly, mine always used to be realllly dry but i started moisturising them are they are now not so dry. also, i tend to get dry patches of skin all over my body for random periods, they don't worry me unless they are sore or look inflamed, then i go to the doctor and usually i get a slightly medicated moisturizer and every time it's gone away.
as to fatigue and pains these are common symptoms of anxiety, and random pains happen in every day life even to those who don't suffer anxiety. i'd say you're fine - but if you want to put your mind at rest visit your GP about the anxiety and mention the dry skin, most likely they will give you some perscription moisturiser such as "Double Base", "Betnovate" or "Fucibet" (all creams i've had in the past). hope this helps :)