View Full Version : Blood in phlegm! HELP!

08-06-09, 02:50
Hey all.
Today i was hacking up some phlegm from the back of my nose and when i spat it out there was blood in it. I needed to spit another 20 times for the blood to go away. The thing is i know that most people get a few flecks but mine is coming out the size of a penny every time and then gets smaller and smaller. Any ideas on what this could be? I have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and was wondering if it could have anything to do with it?
I also have a really horrible bitter taste which ive had for about 3 days. Tastes horrible. Please reply. Just want my mind at rest.

08-06-09, 03:16
i wouldn't worry, me and my housemates all got the same bad cold and were allcoughing up blood a bit and it was fine, although obviously i was convinced i had TB. Vicious "hacking" of phlegm or coughing can cause blood to come up. the bad taste thing i get when anxious as my mouth goes so dry, so maybe that's that? could always pop to the doctors and just see, reckon that's not even a hypochondriac thing as you may just need antibiotics for a standard chest infection or something

08-06-09, 06:53
dont worry its the sinuses at back of your nose,,it often happens when they get blocked iwas a nurse :winks:

08-06-09, 12:03
it could also be if you have been coughing and burst a vessel ,but id agree with the above try not to worry to much

08-06-09, 13:54
Hi there,
This has often happened to me, following a heavy cold with a stuffy nose or a sinus infection. Your nasal membranes swell and get irritated at the back of the nose and can be prone to bleeding. The blood mixes with your nasal mucus and is coughed up with your phlegm.
I panic like crazy when this happens to me, so I understand how you are feeling.
I hope you feel better soon.
Kindest regards Nikki. :-) x