View Full Version : Is this Anxiety

08-06-09, 08:47
Hello I am new here and was wondering if anyone can give me some advise.
I suffer from this thing I cant put a name to it because I am scarred to go anywhere. When I was married to my first husband, I used to get the same thing, what it is I have this thing in my head that I am going to die and that I have a brain tumor, I get these feelings in my head, tightness like a band round my head and I sometimes get pains in my arms and neck and shoulders, last night I could not sleep even though I took two sleeping tablets, I think it was 4.30 by the time I did lay down because as I said I kept thinking I was going to die and I dont want to because I love my children and grandchildren and Partner so much. I now live in Turkey I have been here 6 years my relationship has its ups and downs, and on Saturday my partner never came home, so off course I think the worst. I am ok during the day its the night times that it happens. I get a sickley feeling in my stomach. My best friend here in Turkey died two years ago, one June she was taken to hospital and they found out she had a brian tumor and died 6 Months later. I am really scarred to go to the doctor or the eye optitions incase they say I have a brain tumor. Any help or advise would be great.:scared11: :foot:

Lion King
09-06-09, 17:15
Hi there,

I know how hard it must be to face up to your fears, but with courage and help from your partner I would go to your gp and get yourself checked out to put your mind at rest. Once you are satisfied it is best to discuss your problems with somebody close, if not available a professional of some kind to talk out your fears and worries. I Don't know what is available over there but possibly a samaritan line!

Hope you get better!

Lion King