View Full Version : dizzy legs feel like jelly

08-06-09, 09:18
hi i am margaret i am a sufferer ,,the worst feeling is churning tum every morning then when i get up feeling light headed and legs feel wobbley is this one of anxcity effects please

08-06-09, 10:51
please will somebody rply i am going to the docters about it today had anxcity 2 years

08-06-09, 11:04
HI there and welcome. :yesyes:
It could be anxiety,many people experience it in different ways. Just make sure you explain to the dr everything. If it helps write it down to say or to hand over. Just do it the best way for you!!! Good luck!! let us know how you got on.

08-06-09, 11:24
:hugs: thank you for replying kind of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi will let you know they know i have anxcity had it 2 years but dizzy feeling only started aout 3 months ago ,thats why they want to see me in cae its something else better safe than sorry ,xxxxxxx

08-06-09, 11:42
Hi Gypsywoman

This certainly sounds familiar - did you visit your Doctor and if so, how did you get on? Anxiety is a strange condition taking on many forms. I find that, if I've had a difficult few days then the first thought that enters my head is "will I be OK today?" which sets up a reaction, gippy tummy and shakey sensations. If the day starts this way then the whole day is a struggle - can't seem to shake it off - it usually follows a restless nights sleep too.

Stay positive and take every day as it comes.

Good Luck


08-06-09, 12:50
Hi Gypsywoman,

It's that 'early morning' feeling described in the Dr Claire Weekes books most probably. A restless night can result in low blood sugar. Do you eat breakfast ? A poached egg or some other form of protein can settle your tummy even if you feel a bit nauseous. Strong coffee will make it worse.
Good luck at the doc's. let us know how you got on.


10-06-09, 08:31
doc gave me steroid spray said i was ok but nose bungged up,, yeterday had to stay in bed so dizzy ,,rung doc he told me to not take spray ,,how can we have faith in docters when they do one thing then change there mind,,, i am up today still feel light headed its scary