View Full Version : Why does it happen when least expect

08-06-09, 13:32
I have been feeling a lot better for the last couple of months but last week had my first panic attack for at least 6 months, I have a chesty cough and build up of phlem, but doctor gave me omerapozle last year so have started taking these again, but i get this feeling in my chest as though i cant breath which then makes me panic, and i keep tighten my throat muscles which does not help I had globus last year and scarred the life out of me I feel as though it is going to happen again, due to go on holiday next week, which is why I think I feel like this, trying to find some thing to worry about, when all was going so well. :shrug:

08-06-09, 14:22
Aww brandy its prob because your going on holiday and your body is trying to put obsicals in your way just relax hun xx.Have a great time.

08-06-09, 15:23
I know what you mean, thanx for the reply, just some days you want to wake up feeling normal, and not always thinking there is something wrong, even though there isn,t anxiety is a nasty horrible thing as it feels so real, id ont have any problems when im a sleep because im not thinking about it, just when im awake, two weeks in the sunshine is what i need i hope :shades: