View Full Version : panic!

03-09-05, 13:51
ive not posted for a while but really needed to tell someone how i am feeling...
ive been doing really well lately...not had a particularly good summer but have faced each problem as it has come and got through it even been doing some more driving!!!
but today.... well i am so anxious and panicy...
i am going to the steam fair in about an hour and i am just in total panic but i dont know why...
i am taking my youngest who is well looking forward to it... I AM going to go... and i hope to come back later and say it was ok i just dont understand why i cant fight it today... i usually tell mr "p" to go away and when he realises im going to jfdi anyway he disapears.
my ex and a few others i know will be up there with the st john ambulance but im sure that isnt the reason for my panic as we are quite good friends. maybe i shouldnt look for a reason but it has just thrown me today...
well if you dont mind sending me some positive thoughts/vibes i will get on with it and get up there...
it does help so much being able to just write down how you feel and know that someone will read it and understand what it feels like...
thank you all so much for all the support you have given me...

03-09-05, 14:17
Hi Rach,
I hope it goes ok, good on you for going anyway, even though you are feeling panicky right now hopefully you will be fine when you get there. (((((sending you lots of good thoughts and wishes)))))) Sometimes these things do come out of the blue and can't be shifted. The important thing is that you are dealing with it. You aren't going to let it stop you, go you!!! Good luck, try and relax and enjoy it - think how happy your little boy/girl will be.
Take care

Tam x

03-09-05, 14:26
Goos luck Rach!! I'm sure once you get there you'll have a good time and forget about Mr. Panic. Sending loads of good vibes your way!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 14:38
Hi Rach

I know how hard is can be when these feelings come on.
You are doing all the right things. Keep telling Mr P to go
away and keep thinking positive
Keep your positive thinking going. and that is to enjoy your
day out with your youngest, to see the smile on his/her face
as he/she enjoys the day.
Look forward to the things you will be seeing.
I know its hard Rach but push those positive thoughts into
your head.

Sending you lots of positive thoughts/vibes.


"Believe in yourself yourself.
You gain strength courage and confidence by
every experience in which you stop to look
fear in the face.
You must do that which you think you cannot do.

03-09-05, 18:09
Hi Rach

Hope your afternoon went well and you managed to enjoy yourself once you got there. Good on you for going despite the panic.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

03-09-05, 18:11
Hi Rach

Hope it went okay for you. Let us know how you are.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

03-09-05, 19:25
Hi Rach did you manage ok, it is difficult I know, hope you were Ok and you received all vibes people sent, Love Alexis,

03-09-05, 20:23
Hey Rachel

Many congrats on the good summer and huge progress ...

We're all allowed a blip now and again ..

Hope it went well


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

03-09-05, 20:43
thank you all so much for your replies...
i went and it was a pretty awful drive (only about 20mins) but i was determined... and knew that as i posted earlier i really wanted to be able to come back and said we done it...
was bit shakey at first but mr "p" got the message in the end... i was going to stay a while weather he was around or not ....so eventually relaxed and enjoyed it... am back now and shattered (dont know why panic takes it out of us so much) but beth had a lovely time and thats what matters...
thank you all again

03-09-05, 20:45
Well done Rach!! Sounds like you coped really well :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

04-09-05, 06:33
Congrats on beating it and not letting it keep you from what you had planned !!!!
You should be very proud of yourself - I know that I am proud of you !!!


04-09-05, 08:52
Well done!!! Glad it was worth it.

Tam x