View Full Version : hi new here ..

08-06-09, 14:56
hi everyone .. i recently discovered this site and sooo glad i did ! i wasnt sure where to post this .. hope its ok here
iv been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety .. iv been on citalopram 40 mg for a week now - started off on 20mg .. but i feel like im getting worse .. i still havent managed to get out of the house by myself- even to the corner shops .. its been almost a month now since i was signed off work and i havent been able to leave the house since .. i dont know exactly what im scared OF .. i just know the thought of walking down the street or being in a social situation scares me sensless .. i even had a panic attack in the doctors surgery - and there was only one other lady in the room!
i feel like a freak .. im unable to go into work ..im 21 and i have no friends left .. i feel so alone .. i desperately want to be normal like every one else but it just seems impossible :weep:

sorry for rambling .. i would be v greatful for any advice from anyone in a simular situation

thanks .. lizzy x

08-06-09, 15:13
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way, just keep posting on the forum and we'll help you out all we can, i am agoraphobic so i understand your fear of going out.

best wishes

di xx

08-06-09, 15:16
hi, welcome. Your not a lone with this i have going through a simular things as you. I do feel im slightly getting there and you will to . i have a history of anxiety so i know that i can get over it. its just a case of trying to be patient with myself . tying taking a cdwalkman when you have to go out with your fav music on it to distract you. Keep positive an about all the positive things you manage to do despite you anxiety and try not to dwell on things like panicing in the dr 's surgery

08-06-09, 16:46
thankyou for replying..i was worried i had gone on too much and noone would say hi..
i think i may be agraphobic aswel .. although i have bouts of it .. one month i will be fine and then the next i wont be able to leave the house ..did you get a diagnosis from a phyc or your gp out of curiosity?
thanks sunny .. i get really fustrated with myself that i cant function like everyone else .. the music idea sounds good - i will have to put some up beat tunes on my mp3 and see how loud it goes :) i dont feel very positive atm .. but i guess i will have to 'fake it till i make it' if that makes sense !

thanks lizzy x

Veronica H
08-06-09, 16:59
:welcome: to NMP Lizzy. Glad that you have found us.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can not recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover.
