View Full Version : New mole on hand- really worried

08-06-09, 15:19
Hi everyone,
have gotten myself into such a state I feel sick, had terrible few months, doctor diagnosed depression and anxiety which since the failure of my 1st attempt at ivf a month ago has just gotten worse. Over the past few months noticed a new very small brown mole on my hand. Tried so much to put it out my head but fear is just getting worse and worse, so scarred its skin cancer. Just googled it and apparently a new mole is sign of skin cancer, so worried can't stop shaking now:weep: . Over past couple of days my hand and arm have ached bad and convincing myself its the cancer that has already spread inside.
Please does anyone think it'll be ok? Can't cope with anymore


08-06-09, 15:23
i had a new mole, and had i checked out to be on the safe side but i was fine. If your concerned you can ask your dr to refere you to a dermatologist to get them to look at you mole :O)

08-06-09, 15:33
Hi pink, hon i know its very hard but i wouldnt worry about the mole, unless the mole suddenly changes colour, ie turns very dark, with crusted over bits, or weeps etc or is painful or tingles, its not cancer. mole's can often apper for no reason, and just as easily go away again, it might not even be a mole it could be a freckle. and moles only turn dangerous with excess exposure to hot strong sunlight like that of a sunbed or sun bathing for long periods. hope this helps

02-12-12, 00:28
Hey there,
I have a mole on my right hand that I've had ever since I can remember. It started getting darker so I got it seen to by the doc and she sent me to the skin clinic. They took pictures and stuff and looked at it with a special magnifying light thing and said they didn't see anything sinister about it. It got darker a bit but hasn't really changed since but the doc said that sometimes you can get freckles and things under the skin and it looked like the pimento toon was just rising under the mole bit of skin.
I know it's hard to stay calm about these things, trust me I do the same. I'm forever worrying about cancers and over the past 4 years I've convinced myself that I've had various types of cancers. Just keep an eye on it and keep it well protected in the sun :) hope this helps!

02-12-12, 00:54
Hi Pink,

After recently seeing a dermatologist about a few moles I was REALLY worried about and responding to the questions she asked I don't think you have much to worry about unless its scabby, weeping, bleeding or itching.

If you are really worried go and see your doctor, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. he might send you to a dermatologist for precaution but at least your mind will be at ease and it will get sorted.

Hope this helps x

02-12-12, 01:29
Hi, people develop moles as they get older, it is perfectly normal. It is definitely not a sign of anything serious. If it really bothers you have it checked but I wouldn't worry too much :)

02-12-12, 01:39
We all get new moles all the time as we age - it is perfectly normal

02-12-12, 11:38
Yup, new moles are normal. If you're really worried get it checked out by the doc but as everyone else has said if it's not weeping or scabby and doesn't change then it's just a mole.

02-12-12, 13:03
Yep, new moles or liver spots I think they are also called, are a sign of aging and also too much sun. I have lots of them, also areas of hyper pigmentation (brown patches). Had one cut off and checked - all fine.

02-12-12, 13:17
I am currently being seen by a dermatologist regarding a huge horrible mole. It looks really worrying, even other people are alarmed when I show them, however my gp and der.atologist were both quick to assure me that it is not melanoma. I was told to use the following criteria to check if a mole needs investigated:
A= asymmetry - the mole looks different on each side
B= borders - the borders are irregular or blurred
C= colour - normal moles are typically one colour. Areas of different colours within the mole should be checked
D= diameter - melanomas typically are larger than the eraser at the end of a pencil (5mm)
E= evolving - any new or changing moles should be checked
F= funny - anything which feels funny or strange to you should be checked out.

I have a few moles which lie within at least one of these criteria, which I have been assured are nothing to worry about, but I frequently get them checked anyway just to make sure. Just because your mole lies within one of these criteria does not mean that you have melanoma.
Moles typically develop before the age of 20 however you can develop them later also.
Based on this, I would speak to your g.p. and see of they think it is worth a referral to a dermatologist. It is 99% probably nothing, but with health anxiety we always feel we will be the 1%, so get it checked for your own peace of mind.

02-12-12, 20:53
You will get more moles as you age, luckily moles are quite easy to spot if they are "wrong", the above post explains well, but doctors are very good at spotting the differences.
If neither your own checks or a doctor help to calm your nerves, then either a dermatologist or a mole clinic are options but they come at a cost, looked into them myself a few years ago when I went a bit nuts over my moles. I didnt use them however.

Hope your anxiety eases soon :)