View Full Version : Please help - in a right state

08-06-09, 15:43
My period finished last week, 4 days later I had a tiny smear of blood but put it down to being left over from my period. I panicked at first but as I had nothing since forgot about it until today when I noticed a tiny smear again.
I am sitting here crying and shaking, I've always had really bad health anxiety but now I'm convinced I've got ovarian cancer. I go for a smear tomorrow and everyone's telling me to mention it, which I will, but a smear doesn't detect ovarian cancer. I know no-one on here can say it's not cancer but please can anyone just help me deal with my immediate panic, I'm working myself up into a real state. Thank you

08-06-09, 15:58
Hi saloongirl, i had this before a few years ago and was just like you are now. i think alot of woman get it now and again, its common to have small spotting etc inbetween periods and some girls have it all the time. it is worth mentioning but for now try to remember that as you have no other symptoms, pain, bloating etc, and that its only just occured and you havent mentioned any other previous problems its very unlikely to be anything serious. hope this helps you and good luck tomorrow. x

08-06-09, 16:01
Hi, you don't mention your age, but I am 52 and a few years ago I had something very similar, kept getting spotting in between my periods and I too thought there was something seriously wrong as I also suffer from HA. Well I had a biopsy of my cervix and womb lining taken and both came back completely normal, it was put down to hormones. It happened again about a year ago and I was sent for a pelvic scan and everything was normal and my ovaries are acutally beginning to shrink now.
I think our bodies just do weird things sometimes and our hormones play such a big part, my GP has told me that I am now peri menopausal so to expect my periods to go a bit irractic.
I hope I have helped you, I am sure you have nothing to worry about and as you say, you are going for a smear and you can mention it while you are there. I think it's always best to get any irregular bleeding checked out but it normally comes down to our hormones playing up !!
Take care.

08-06-09, 16:02
Thank you so much for your reply. I think the thing with ovarian cancer is they call it the silent killer because you often don't get any symptoms until it's too late (here i go again!) I'd already worked myself up into a state about my smear, now this happens. I'm feeling sick now, I know it's probably fear but have convinced myself it's another symptom.

08-06-09, 16:39
hi , can i ask are you on the pill, i had some bleeding recently but i put it down to my anxiety causing me not take my pill properly

08-06-09, 16:44
No i'm not on the pill

08-06-09, 16:49
next question are you sexually active? i know it personal a question

08-06-09, 16:54
Not with various partners, only my huband. I'm so scared, by mentioning it tomorrow at my smear test it's like admitting there's something seriously wrong. I know it's sensible to mention it but if they want to send me for further tests rather than saying it's probably nothing, I think I will go out of my mind with fear.

08-06-09, 17:04
I have had this twice this year, i am 28, my smear was fine. our bodies are weird! mention it 2morrow although i'm sure she will think its normal.

miss diagnosis
08-06-09, 18:03
i had this for ages.turns out i had tiny tears in my vaginal wall.
It was caused by a combination of scented toilet roll and lack of lubrication

this has happened to loads of people i know and its never anything at all so please dont worry.

08-06-09, 18:28
Thank you everyone for your replies. You have waylaid my fears a little, but still panicking. I guess that's the problem with health anxiety, and I know you all understand otherwise you wouldn't be on this website! This is my first ever post and I'm glad I did as you've all been very kind.

08-06-09, 18:36
hi i know how your feeling ive bled twice in past month ,like you ive convinced myself its something bad ,hopefully your smear will put your mind at rest,im sure its nothing bad just health anxiety making us feel like this

take care

08-06-09, 18:39
Smear tests show up cervical cancer tho, not ovarian cancer.....oh I wish I could stop this! It's just endless torture isn't it?

08-06-09, 22:07
Hi Saloon girl

Just try to remember that it is very unlikely to be ovarian cancer. It is most likely to be between period spotting which is very normal. Mention it tomorrow and I am sure you will leave your smear feeling ten times better. Good luck and keep us informed of your progress.

09-06-09, 08:30
I'm trying to think logically about it but it's not working. I keep thinking about an ex colleague ten years younger than me (I'm 44) who has ovarian cancer, and lots of other people a lot younger, so it's not as if it's an "older person" disease. I worry the doctors will confirm my worst fear and tell me it's too far advanced to do anything about. I can't stop crying, it's almost as if I've resigned myself to the fact that it's cancer.

09-06-09, 11:36
i've just read a post on here from someone worried about ovarian cancer and wish i hadn't. Someone responded to it by saying that their friend died from it and hardly had any symptoms, that's why it's called the silent killer. Now I am terrified again. I just wish the fear would go away

10-06-09, 09:10
I mentioned the spotting at my smear yesterday. The nurse said it was normal for your period to sometimes stop and start, but if it carries on to see the doctor incase it's a hormone thing. When I had the smear, she said jokingly, "now where's your cervix gone", and it hurt a bit as she had to adjust the metal thing. I felt better about things afterwards but awoke in the middle of the night in a panic thinking maybe my cervix had been pushed aside by a big tumour, and that's why she had trouble finding it to begin with. I know I sound really stupid but when you have health anxiety these possibilities seem so real. I had another bit of spotting this morning but hopefully that's because of the smear. I'm really fed up and worrying again now, and on top of this I have the smear results to worry about for the next 8 weeks or so.

10-06-09, 09:47
Please try not to worry, everything will be fine. Try and concentrate on the positive, the nurse told you it is common for women to spot between periods, and look at all the responses you have received from ladies telling you about their experiences with it.
Also on the cervix thing, just think, if there was anything abnormal about your cervix it would stick out a mile, she had to go looking for it.
Honestly, I have had so many episodes of spotting between periods, it went on for months and I was about your age when it all started.
Try this website, I found it really useful www.power-surge.com (http://www.power-surge.com).
Take care, stay positive and keep in touch.
Mary x

11-06-09, 20:31
Thank you Mary for your kind words, and the website recommendation. Feeling a bit calmer today, everyone here has been a great help, you've all been a great comfort to me.

29-06-09, 11:02
I think my worrying over this these last few weeks resulted in my terrifying panic attack yesterday. I know no-one likes waiting for test results but when you have HA, waiting for your smear test results in unbearable. It didn't help when I heard on the news this morning that loads of women are dying needlessly of ovarian cancer because doctors are misreading the symptoms. Now my panic is starting again.