View Full Version : Joined today

08-06-09, 18:35

I came across this website last year when my health anxiety got really bad. I thought I was getting better until I had a particular problem last week and today, which I have been in a blind panic about, and so decided to make my first post. I know everyone worries about getting ill, but it is comforting to come on here and see that there are other people who get themselves in a complete panic like me, and that there are so many kind people on here to try and help. I never knew health anxiety could be so debilitating until I got it.

Veronica H
08-06-09, 21:50
:welcome: to NMP. You will find comfort and support here.


09-06-09, 15:47
Welcome to the sight :)
I used to be the same about thinking I was ill. That's what triggered my first ever one 3 years ago. I was lay in bed and had a headache and thought i had a brain tumour. That wasn't much fun...
I've learned not to think the worst all the time now though..