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View Full Version : Need advice..

03-09-05, 14:39
First I want to say that I'm so happy I found this site and found a group of people who suffer from the same things I do. For years I have had family members, friends, and doctors tell me its just in my head (which I guess it is) and have shown me no sympathy whatsoever.

I have been suffering from anxiety for years, it has gotten worse over the last 4 years probably due to changes in my life (marriage, buying house, career change etc..) right now I'm in the process of a career change. Every morning I will wake up sick to my stomach, dry heaving, naseated etc.. This also comes with bad chest pains all day long (just like I'm having a heart attack) my chest also gets really tight and I have shortness of breath which sometimes leads to hyperventilation.

My worst part of the day is always when i wake up and in the morning. It seems to get better as the day goes on.

I have had a physical and had my heart checked (chest x-rays, EKG, stress test, blood test, echo-cardiogram etc..) and everthing is normal. The doctors say my severe chest pain is from acid reflux but I know its from anxiety (when I can settle myself down it goes right away)

I guess I need some advice on where to go from here. I'm desperate to change and get rid of anxiety. I can't travel anywhere without having an anxiety attack. As soon as it gets time to go anywhere i get physically sick with diarhea, dry heaves etc.. My wife is sick of it b.c we can't really go anywhere without me getting sick.

I'm open to all suggestions. Sorry this is so long, I just needed to get this all off my chest. I start my new job next week and I don't know how I will even make it. I'm already sick and my chest is killing me. Please help.


03-09-05, 14:42
hello there,

Welcome aboard!! :)

The symptoms you describe are very common amongst anxiety sufferers. Travelling is difficult for most of us as it means leaving our 'safe area'.

What help have you received so far for your anxiety? Have you tried any medications or any counselling?

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 15:49

I really haven't tried anything directly related to anxiety. Everyone make me feel like it isn't a real problem, just stop worrying and get over it. I have been to 2 doctors, one did all the heart test and finally diagnosied a muscle spasm in my chest, so I went to another doctor and he diagnosed acid reflux. (of course i have been on medication for both an neither worked)

I'm not sure if I need a medication for anxiety or not. At this point i would love to have something to take. I have been reading about the rescue remedy. I'm thinking about ordering some and seeing if it helps. Is there anything else I can start doing? I really just need some guidance and a place to start. I think finding these forums was a blessing..

03-09-05, 17:04
To all you anxiety suffers out there I can relate in every way. I have been suffering with anxiety for the past year after the birth of my second child.The good news in all of the mess is that there is a way out.It takes time , it is rough, the symptoms are severe, believe me I have everone you could imagine.People who don't suffer from this disorder have no clue what you and me are going through, but be brave there is hope, just try your best to remain normal, go through your day as if there was nothing wrong, and slowly but surely you will see that the symptoms that you feel are psychosymatic and if you pay them no attention they subside. It is retraining the brain to reduce it's anxiety level.Keep busy that is the only way.

I am with you all the way....

Anxiety sufferer


03-09-05, 20:47

You have done very well already so big pat on the back.

CBT is the therapy of choice. The UK anxiety medical guidelines can be found on our 'finding help' page.

If you are coping on a daily basis meds are not the first choice.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

03-09-05, 21:02
I would also suggest a very healthy diet. The healthier you eat, the better you feel. Relaxation tapes can also really help - do them once a day of you can. :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 22:45
Thank you for all the advice. I do have a problem with a good diet b.c most mornings I'm nauseated and can't eat, and if I'm traveling or have todo something (like start a new job etc..) I will go days without eating b.c I'm just to sick. This also trigers severe migraines which is another problem...its a viscous cycle that leads to more anxiety and depression. Somedays I just don't think i can make it...

I have been encouraged since finding these forums and website to hear similar stories as mine. I thought i was the only one like this :)