View Full Version : Struggling to relax, how can I ease the anxiety?

09-06-09, 00:01
I'm struggling to relax at the moment and can't seem to get over the anxiety. The obsessive side has become a bit much for me and it's soo controlling.

Especially with negative thoughts I obsess over clothes, possessions and avoid buying things due to HOCD thoughts saying it's not man enough. I feel desperate in ways like I will take any job or any woman due to me not getting what I want. In general I feel I have a list of everything that needs changing and I know that's me as I look back to 2007 I had a g.f and enjoyed my job. I feel I've gave up looking for what makes me happy. I feel I will never find that career or a nice woman to make me happy.

I don't feel I have much control left or will to fight them off I get the odd occasion negative thought free then most of the time I'm Mr anxiety. I think anxiety is now me and I feel it's never going to pass. It's got a grip on my life so I feel beaten. I know it's anxiety but the negative thoughts make me avoid everything.

The intrusive thoughts is the worst part of anxiety as it controls you, defines how you act, behave, sends tension signals to the body. I've felt on the edge of a breakdown for months and not sure what to think.

My heads muffled, I feel out of control of my actions and don't know what's anxiety at times and what's me being me. :shrug: :blush:

paul 34
09-06-09, 02:11
I felt the same way last year, i managed to blocked most of it out by focusing on something for me it was throwing myself into a music project and tiring myself out this way there was no time and i was asleep. Now i suffer with panic attacks and dont go out much but im gona fight it all the way i wont let it win. Have you got a hobbie really focus on it and try and clear your mind(i know this hard to achieve sometimes) :)

09-06-09, 07:19
Distraction is the only thing that really works for me as well. Something that takes all of my attention like cycle classes, going for a run to get out all the frustrations, drawing a picture, singing to music.

Even though we may feel anything but normal, this is an illusion. The only way to feel closer to normal again is to focus on average things, things that are fun or challenging to us.

One goal at a time! My head is always racing with a million things I would like to do, but there are only so many hours in a day. Gotta prioritize. Pick the one thing you think is most important & don't give up till you finish (lol I can't talk, I have a zillion half finished projects). There is nothing more satisfying than finishing something you set out to do.

Lion King
09-06-09, 22:37
Muscle relaxation and meditation tend to work for me, breathing exercises work well too. Make yourself busy, takes your mind away from the anxiety, stop self checking how you are feeling all the time, and concentrate more on the doing, exercise is good for this or whatever takes your mind off things. Get yourself into a routine, but don't be too strict on yourself, the purpose of this is to create rythmn back in to your life. Sounds like alot but when you are in the midst of anxiety it can be quite murky to see a way out, but the main thing is to remain focussed, don't be harsh an self and don't take yourself too serious!

Hope this helps

Lion King