View Full Version : Chest pains again

09-06-09, 02:57
Ok I have acid reflux, but I haven't had to take any meds for almost 2 years.

This is the 3rd night in 2 weeks where I have had chest pains like something is stuck. I know I don't have a heart problem...but it is causing me to have a racing heartbeat and be really jacked up.

I am tired of popping tums and don't want to go back to the GI doctor. The last 2 times I have had endoscopies, nothing has been there. So I am reluctant to go because they are going to think I am making it up :mad:

I am just scared I have Barrett's esophagus or something ridiculous. And I know I don't. I just am really stressed at work and I guess I am so stressed I don't realize it.

I really need to calm down...I can't do it though. :scared15:

09-06-09, 03:27
I tried brushing my teeth hoping the mint would help....it hasn't. I keep burping and it hurts. I am so sick of this. :lac:

Now I am afraid to go to sleep. I am so stuck too (sorry if TMI)! I have taken extra fiber and now I am getting worried. I have been like this since Saturday.

Someone please tell me I am not going mad....I feel like I have eaten burning cement.

annie pannie
10-06-09, 20:52
Hi sleepless

Sounds like you are going through a bad patch. I get loads of acid when stressed- which is pretty much all the time-I did read somewhere that taking tums etc can actually over time make it worse -also that drinking plenty of water will neutralise the acid thats in your tummy. If you haven't already, Have a look at your diet and whether you are eating any foods that can cause acid - there are loads of websites with info about which foods cause acid (don't look at the ones which tell you all about the possible health problems most of them are rubbish!) just look at the ones with very practical advice about diet- it's not the obvious foods sometimes - I had to lay off drinking tea as it caused me problems, tomatoes do too -then the stress will cause lots of acid too - have you tried yoga or Tai chi or going for a walk - not easy I know from experience but start off just doing a few mins of exercise and yuild up gradually, I promise it helps. Hope this helps. Be kind to you. Annie

11-06-09, 03:29
Do you have any suggestions for a website? I am looking for a GERD diet, but all it tells me is what I can't eat.

I had some pasta tonight and I feel bad again. I can't really eat anything with tomato or sauce or marinades, and I am getting a little fed up with having yogurt, and food with no taste whatsoever.
