View Full Version : So sick of this :(

09-06-09, 07:15

I am so sick of this, I hate feeling like this, I feel I am coming to the end of my tether.
I know there is nothing major wrong with my life, yeah we could do with a few more quid but couldn't everyone? So what is wrong with me that I can't cope with life - everyday things like 'normal' people.
I have had therapy, and have just come back from a lovely holiday (completely panic free I must add) and then WHAM! they come back and smack me in the mouth again.
Suicide is becoming a distinct possibility.
I have to go to work today so I'd better go get my butt in gear.
Sorry this is so negative, you guys here are the only people who have any idea how crap this all is.

09-06-09, 15:42
Hey tiktak sounds like your having a rough time at the minute. I;m exactly the same... One day I'm fine the next i'm not. That's all a part of life. We have our ups and downs... Just think about the positives rather than the negatives, although its hard. Youve come from a nice holiday which was panic free so it shows you can control them if you really want to right? :)
Don't give up on yourself. We're all strong people trying to get through everyday. I'm 18 and sometimes feel so left out when people go to huge parties or out clubbing because I can't do that... but I just make things work for myself.. I keep my head held high and focus on things that make me happy in my life rather than sad.
If you ever need a chat then we're all here for you. x

11-06-09, 04:16
I second that...I HATE Panic too!
I completely relate...:blush:

16-06-09, 04:25
Tic Tac

I know this may sound hard but try to remember the times when you were "anx free", like your holidays. You should try to analyse what it is about these " anx free" times that made them what they are. I have and I have realised that my existing life has too many reminders or triggers for the anxiety. When I feel low or isolated the triggers work to remind me and build a cycle of anxiety. Its strange that the place I THINK i feel the safest is also where I suffer with the most anxiety.

I decided one day to take the bull by the horns and move to the seaside. Its a huge move but I think uprooting and starting a new life somewhere else should give me some relief. I am similar to you when I am on holiday I am mostly fine and when I return I return to my miserable exsistence.

May be its time to make a big change in your life??

Take Care.
