View Full Version : Bleeding after poly removed.

09-06-09, 08:07
I had a polyp removed at 3pm yesterday, it was only small and i have been bleeding since. It was just like a streak of blood on the pad or tissue when i wiped, but today i ache abit and it is a bit heavier. I wondered if my period could if started earlier. Im on day 29 and i was due thurs/friday.

Is it normal to bleed after polyp removal? Not sure if it is my period or if should go the hospital:( worry, worry;)

09-06-09, 08:12
I have had a couple of hysteroscopies with biopsies and if you have a biopsy which has to be same as having a polyp removed I did bleed for a few days afterwards. You could also have started your period.
I like you was worried about infection etc and cross questioned the Dr before I left:blush: and he said if you have womb infection you will get a temperature - pain and heavy and or smelly bleeding.
If you are worried then go to your Dr or back to hospital and a swab will be able to tell them def.

09-06-09, 08:39
I just rung my practice nurse and she has told me to ring the hospital so the nurse there will speak to me at 9am.

I hope it is just normal.

09-06-09, 13:57
I am still bleeding quite heavy at times. Gp didn't seem concerned, she just said she thought it was bleeding from the procedure and my period has started, she thinks as I have a windy back passage and pain (although not as panful as usual) then it is probably a mixture of the 2.

I hope that it is just AF but with it being less painful than in recent months I am worried it isn't and that this bleeding is from the polyp being removed. The nurse at the hospital today when I rang her just said that I should only be spotting so gave me abit of a fright really. THe nurse and GP and my practice were reassuring.

If I am still bleeding in a day or 2 I have to go back, as long as it is getting lighter then they said that is fine.

I am having some windy stabbing pains up my bum so hopefully it is AF.

Still rather anxious though:-(:-( just incase it is bleeding from where the polyp was and something is wrong. Surely not from just a polyp being clipped out??