View Full Version : Woo hooo.... I feel normal

09-06-09, 08:31
Ok, so most of you know my massive list of problems and symptoms I have been suffering from in the past six months.... Ive gone through iron deficiency,oral thrush, urine infections, tonsillitis, chest infections, sinus infections and gone through stages of worrying I have liver failure, cervical cancer, oral cancer, breast cancer, bone cancer, hiv.... and had weird chest pains, buzzing sensations, inner vibrations, twitching, sleep problems, breathing difficulties, panic attacks... but in the last week..... Ive had nothing wrong with me at all. No weird symptoms or sensations, no anxiety, no illness... I actually feel normal. Completely normal. I am hoping it will stay this way. It is mostly due to everybodys help on this site. You all have done more for me that any counsellor, psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, doctor or medication Ive tried. I will still be here all the time helping others who experience similar problems to those I have had... but hopefully I will no longer need to post. With the exception of if I get scared in a week or so when I have to have my Colposcopy for abnormal cervical cells... but Im hoping Ill keep my cool. Lets hope I stay like this, and I/we can help others to get out of the nightmate of health anxiey too. x

09-06-09, 09:17
wow im so jealous! try to keep calm about next week loads of people have abnormal cell that turn out to be nothing so try stay calm:) :)

09-06-09, 09:40
That's really good news, it's really nice to hear of your success and hopefully it will encourage others to believe that things can improve.
