View Full Version : Re: Newbie! - Panic Attacks and Depression

08-06-09, 21:56

I have just joined the group today also.

I am a 25 year female that has been suffering with panic attacks and anxiety since about January. These seemed to calm down about 2 months ago but have returned in the past few weeks due to an unexpected death of a friend and pressures at work!

I was signed off work for 3 months and like you never left my house! ASDA is your nemesis...HMV and M&S are mine!!! Only just started going back in them about a month ago. (Even if i dont want/need to go in, i force myself even if it is just for 30 seconds and i increase those times more and more!!)

It seems that you are doing things very similar to myself i started walking and running etc and completely cut out caffeine from my diet about 3 months ago (sometimes i covince myself that de-caf teas an coffees give me the jitterz!!!)

I no longer drive at all....my car is an instant trigger for me. it hasnt been driven since January ..which is killing me because i adore cars and loved to drive.

this may sound silly but have you tried things like Guided meditations??? ( i always used to laugh at things like that and thought they were nonsence) my doctor recommended it and it really does work. Its not about sitting crossed legged and chanting (which i always associated it with)but it just makes your mind imagine nice images and makes you focus on other things rather than your panic, ( I have sometimes fallen into deep sleeps about 10 minutes into doing them because i am so relaxed.) You can download them for free off itunes in the podcast sections! - just a suggestion tho, that i have found really helps!!)

Went back to my doctor today and she has put me back on a 80mg dose of beta blokers which are an instant help. I have also started getting depressed and was given Citalopram (unfortunately this didnt agree with me and made my anxiety worse..seriously thought i was going mad...had about 20 voices in my head telling me that i was going die. This may not be the case for others as we all repsond differently to different meditations. Most people get great results from it. (wish i could!!) anyone else tried anything different?

The depression is awful ,and i also suffer from the worst paranoia about what people are thinking about me. especially in social situations as i feel people will expect me to have panic attack and dont want to have to deal with me (none of this is true and my friends have been fab, but i still feel this way!) Its a viscious circle, but i do know that I will conquer it!! Really is good to chat with other people

Hope this helps!! If anyone has any other pointers or tips, i really would appreciate it.

Really do know how you are feeling and hopefulluy we can all get through this together just by chatting



09-06-09, 15:49
Hi , thanks for your messages.

how do i acces the chat room? maybe it is just me being blind!!


09-06-09, 16:43
Cheers tetley!!! see you in there in a few days.


09-06-09, 17:07
Hi LV25,
Welcome, I am new too i am suffering with anxiety and a bit of postnatal depression. I have found loads of helpful advice, hope to speak to you in the chatrooms when my 5 days are up

09-06-09, 18:14
Sounds good. Its such a bug bear isnt it. have spent all afternoon just feeling so awful. constantly assuring myself and tryng to distract myself. i am shattered. I am sure you must be feeling it too, but on a much larger level with a baby xx

look forward to chatting with you!! x

Lauren xxx

09-06-09, 21:14
welcome to nmp

paul 34
10-06-09, 20:58
Hey hope your ok, yeah its tiring having all these things spining round your head the doc gave me citapram as well but i never took them in the end for fear of what happend to you.

I was just going to start taking them until i looked up a few side effects so i left them alone.