View Full Version : feel like death

09-06-09, 11:39
sunday I woke up feeling awfully tired and I never sleep during the day but sunday I just had to. Its really not normal for me to sleep other than my bed time.

Anyway monday I woke up feeling the same and my muscles aching really bad (prob anxiety related) but still has me thinking what if its a blood clot causing my legs to ache so bad because all I do is sit around all day.

My mum is diabetic so I asked her to check my blood lastnight and it was fine so I really don't know what's wrong with me.

It honestly feels like I'm dieing. My neck, arms, thighs, feet, back, fingers, bottom of legs. EVERYTHING is killing me.could it be due to me not getting any exercise?

I feel like I have no energy for anything. I don't even have the motivation to listen to my parents talking to me, in my head I'm just thinking shut up

I eat healthy though, get plenty of fruit, only drink water and eat regular meals along with regular sleep paterns at night .

Somebody please

09-06-09, 11:59
Try hard not to worry over this i woke up this morning acheing really badly and my whole body felt very weak but its all because of anxiety.like you i believed something was seriously wrong with me but now ive just managed to calm down i know its nothing to worry about xx

09-06-09, 14:46
i often feel this way, achey and weak. Sometimes if i try and walk my whole body goes weak and i start feeling sick and have to lie down. I also worry there is something more wrong.

09-06-09, 16:44
I have been like this for a while it does frighten you and once your mind starts wandering you can imagine that it is a symptom of something very sinister, I have noticed that some days are better than others on my more rational days I think it is anxiety and on bad days I can really imagine the weird and fatal.

09-06-09, 17:40
Do you think that you might have got the flu? That starts with aching limbs but also a temperature? If this doesn't go away contact your GP.

10-06-09, 18:11
Thanks everyone for the reassurance!

I suppose it could be a cold/flu but thats another of my worries becuase it was my firt initial though and Ive already had 3 within two months so sure that cant be healthy for me :(

And thanks Liverbird67 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=9687), Im exactly the same with the off days thinking its worst and good days putting it down to just anxiety. Even though I know this everytime I still always think the worst ha, Im going to have to stop

Thanks everyone for your replies