View Full Version : Finding it really tough.

09-06-09, 12:43
I was given citalopram about a week ago and theyre still sitting there on the shelf. I can't seem to be able to force myself to take them having read about all of the side effects which seem to be pretty much guarenteed with this medicine. Also worried about having an allergic reaction as my body normally reacts badly to simple medicines let alone something that changes the chemicals in your brain. Serotonin syndrome is another concern seeing as it can kill you in a matter of hours and is also possible when taking this drug. Im taking diazepam everyday 1mg atm to be able to cope with life which isnt a very thrilling existance (feeling like some kind of zombie) and laying in bed all day. Just wanted to get some thoughts really, i cant cope as it is let alone feeling worse with citalopram.


09-06-09, 13:02
Hi Leanne, I have taken citalopram in the past and did not get any side affects with it, we all all different and react in different ways to various meds. Your doctor has prescribed this med for you as he/she thinks it might help you, try taking it and see how it goes, Big hug to you Karen

09-06-09, 16:32
Hi Leanne ,if you start with a low dose and build up the side effects if any wont be as bad ,eg.5mg 1/2 tabfor a week then increase to 10mg if you are ok.The side effects do vary from person to person,usually increased anxiety .But these do go away and its worth sticking it out,We are all here to help you if you need us. What dose did the Dr tell you to take?,take them with food ,it lessens the side effects and settles better.Take care ,you will be ok.Luv Sue:hugs:

09-06-09, 17:35
My dr gave me 20mg but my psych said take only half (10mg) by breaking it in half because he knows im sensitive to medication. I cant break it in half again to 5mg because it wouldnt really be an accurate dose :(. Scared it will make my DP worse which is horrendous already and my main symptom and allergic reactions :( scared of passing out too, reli reli do not want to take it but know deep down that i need too :(

09-06-09, 19:58
Hi Leanne,

I have been on and off SSRI's for a number of years, and had very minor side effects if any(a rash, and some weird dreams when I first started taking it). If people have side effects they will search out a forum so they can find people and see if it is normal, that is why it seems like everyone on here has bad side effects! The reality of the situation is that not everyone has side effects, and if you do they will subside. Instead of thinking how scary these side effects may be, think of how great it will feel to be back to your old self. I know its easier said than done, but remember there is a whole host of people that have dealt with and are currently dealing with your fears. You will be fine!

09-06-09, 20:16
Hi Leanne
I had side effects for the first few weeks but I also started feeling a little better by week two. I have just come into my 5th month and can honestly say the pills have been wonderful.
Take Care and good luck

09-06-09, 21:12
Hi, I sent you a PM.

09-06-09, 22:33
Thankyou for all the replies so far. I'm trying to slowly build up the courage and trying to stay positive. :) Reading about all your experiences has definately helped me know what to expect, good and bad.

Lion King
09-06-09, 22:45
Good luck lele19, it took me quite a bit of courage to start taking the medication especially after reading about all the side effects. Some good advice on poets threads about the meds.

10-06-09, 14:08
Hey guys, yes i have to say i have had to grasp a lot of courage to even think about taking them. I have decided to take 10mg today at my drs surgery and he said i can stay for 2 hours incase my fears of allergic reaction become a reality. So i will be heading over there in a few hours, cant say im looking forward to it at all. But it has got to a point where i want to enjoy the rest of my life and i only hope that this is a step in the right direction. I will update later, i think poets idea of keeping a sort of diary will also help me so thats what im gonna try :) wish me luck


10-06-09, 14:11
Good luck ,Im sure youll be ok tho. Sue x:hugs:

Lion King
10-06-09, 16:54
Keep positive lele19, exactly my sentiments, its about taking a step in the right direction and that is living.

Keep Well

Lion king

10-06-09, 19:00
Hey, well i took my first tablet about 3 hours ago now. I feel like my throat it closing up, so im panicking, my nose is blocked, im dizzy and shaky. Also have a lot of pressure in my head and feel sick.

Is the throat thing normal it started happened ahfl 2.5 hours after i took the tablet.

10-06-09, 19:32
Oh you poor thing hun!The throat thing is down to anxiety.Your muscles are tense and its making you feel like its closing up.The dizzy and sick feeling is normal and will pass.Have a few sips of water and do some deep breathing,Watch the tv or play some nice music to take your mind off it.Dont feel frightened it will pass.The more notice you take the worse you will feel.Try to eat a small ammount of food regularly,to keep your blood sugar stable.And try to avoid tea or coffee unless its de-caff.We are here if you need us . Hugs Sue:hugs: xx Well done by the way.x

Lion King
10-06-09, 19:45
Hi lele19,

Good advice from suzy-sue.

Keep strong, you have taken the first big leap so well done!

Lion King

10-06-09, 20:17
Thankyou, i appreciate it a lot :)

12-06-09, 19:42
Took the second pill 3 hours ago. Dizzy, blurred vision and tired :(

12-06-09, 19:56
Well done Lele! thats all perfectly normal.Didnt you take one yesterday? This stuff can make you a bit forgetful lol Stay strong hun! Sue x:hugs:

12-06-09, 20:19
no i chickened out of yesterdays dose and then decided to toughen up and continue. my derealisation has got much worse while taking it which makes me want to stop but my dr said i would feel detached for a while. thats the worst side effect for me.

12-06-09, 20:55
Dettached...wow, that is exactly how I am feeling too...day 4.

Guess I wasn't aware of it, but glad you mentioned it... it is about to drive my wife insane. This whole depression/anxiety thing has put a strain on our relationship.

12-06-09, 21:01
Yeah, its hard for my partner to cope aswell, but he tries so hard bless him. Its hard for us to consider others when our condition consumes us and makes us selfish to a certain extent.

15-06-09, 19:54
hi lele
I was really scared too as i have side effects from anything iv taken in the pass, and i wont even take a paracetamol 4 a headache. But normally im a happy go lucky bubbly person very chatty, and i have turned into a depressive, anxious person who cries and worries over every little thing, even things that r not important. I have had a lot to cope with this year and iv broke down. I plucked up the courage to visit my GP who put me on citalopram 20mg. I took my first one friday morning and i felt sick, dizzy spaced out, saturday spent the day zonked on the sofa, i took one b4 i went to bed last night as GP said if im too drowsy in the day take at night. i went off lovely then woke feeling axious, an worrying. could not go back off then had to get up to see to my 3 children 4 school. Been very spaced out today prob due to lack of sleep but see wat tonight brings. I know a few people around me swears by them but anything new takes some getting used to. Everyone is different and has different experiances. but u listen to yourself and youll make the right choice. x x x