View Full Version : scared-want to google...tummy stuff

09-06-09, 12:55

im stressed and need some reasurance..just been crying for hours over this.
ive noticed the front of my stomach ( little chubby) it kind of lumps out under the belly button and has done for about 6 months now that i can remember, perhaps even a yr or more...

lately ive had this pain in that area,,i have ibs so i have been ignoring it till now, now im freaking its a cancer and that im doomed...

i keep prodding the area, but cant feel any hard lumps..but like that means anything right?

the pain is kinda feeling like a tear if that makes sense...

im so scared,,and with all the jade goody stuff now im freakking out...

i had a papsmear last year that was clear...
i had a blood test last yr that was also clear, but wha if that has all changed/
so scared..pls help..:weep: :weep:

09-06-09, 13:13
hi im sure its nothing to worry about ,but just for your reassurance maybe pop back to the dr, im freaking out aswell over something at the mo and its to do with jade goody also, the more we get scared the worse it gets so i do sympathize with you, i ve alos got ibs and it does do funny things to our bodies hope you get it sorted out
