View Full Version : any advice what to do

09-06-09, 13:11
i am going crazy, at workplace, there 's this person that always bully and verbally abusing me and each time i meet this p erson, i get phobia, the bully is too cruel and bad, now each time i see this person, i get sudden feeling of dizzy and giddyness, why? could this person is the reason why i get feeling of hopelessness, depression and giddyness, and i just can't even stand to hear it voices, or walkng pass me, i feel like passing out, just a while ago it pass me, i felt sudden giddiness, and unbalance, it is affecting my life so so terribly, i am in so much emotional pain, iguess it is so happy to see me suffering adn be depression mode, i am in bad depression nw,until i don't care how i look or wear, i am like a dustbin everytday going to work, i am so so stress, upset and each time i met this person, bad things will surely befall me, like tdy i got bad relationship iwth hubby and dad, all cos of accidently meeting it. so sad, what should i do how do i stone myself and not feel the pain anymore and not feeling dizzy?

09-06-09, 14:40
i think i know what's triggering me, i guess it's that bully@work is causing me so much distress, very stresful , each time it passess me by or i heard it voice, ifeel it is like a ghost or devil passing, making me phobia, dizzy, light head out of sudden, i feel i can't take it anymore, it's everyday kind of thing, i am in bad suffering now. hlep pls

09-06-09, 14:59
I had the same problem at work, my bully was so bad she spit on me at work one day and laughed about it. I would have anxiety so bad there I would have to go home to feel safe. I learned that I gave this person too much power over how I felt and she took great advantage over it. I have learned that we control how we are going to be treated and if you value your job, you must fight back. Go to a human resource or someone that is above this persons head to try and resolve what is going on. I quit my job and have never felt better. You need to take care of you and fight for yourself. No person should make you feel less than the person you are. Take care and I hope this works out for you.

09-06-09, 15:09
Hi hun i really feel for you ive just gone through a similar thing to you but thats just not on is it thats absolutely dreadful.
I put a grievance in against the person who was bullying/harrassing me, well it was tantermount to stalking me really but this woman resigned before she was disciplined for it. Its not an easy procedure to go through but you shouldnt have to put up with this when your at work.
Have you spoken to your nmanager about this? if you have what did they say?
Your employer has 'duty of care' to ensure your safe within your workplace, and they have failed because they havent protected you from this person.
You shouldnt be treat in this way its awful.
I hope something can be done for you so that your not suffering like this.
Feel free to pm me anytime if i can help at all.
gtrgrl3369 thats disgusting someone can get away with things like that these days.
Take care
Best of luck

09-06-09, 15:15
i've reported it but nouse, this person is so so bad, each time i just think of this person, i feel it is so terribly bad, wicked, cruel, person as said this person is narcissim attitude, driving everybody crazy now attacking on me, even now stop but the just thought of this person making me dizzy, how to control myself from getting so much hated, upset on this person, as i said i can't control my feelings becos i feel so betray, humilated, hurt and treated me so badly that i cant get it off my mind, how to remain calm and cool becos each time i see or hear ths person voice i get so so scik, anxiety, panic attack, phobia, dizzy, light headed and depressed the whole day, this wicked person got a spell on me, that i can't fight off.i feel so so unfair, this is a wicked, cruel manipulative snake.

09-06-09, 15:26
thanks,gtrgrl3369 u mean u quit yr job for that wicked person, how does that feel, is it good, is life better now? do u think i too should do the same,i hv thought abt it, it's no point since everyday igo to work is like driving me crazy, mad, so stress just the thought of that bully and the hated so so deep, that i hate my work and everybody becos of that bully, i feel no one is good anymore, i get angry easily each time i feel i let that bully get away and repeating bullying me again and again, i did complain but no use, this bully is good at twisting words and acting and they are so experience of being professional or good at words, so in the end i seem to be the bad person, sometimes life is so unfair, letting all the bad guys out and good ones get bullied. i wish God will punish that bully. i feel so humilated, betray and hurt by this bully every day, even now it's lesser but i hv phobia and irritated just by listening to its voice or walking pass me, i feel i got to run or avoid, i just hate to hear or see it face, but it don't know, it got so angry with me for avoiding and confront me, i ust control my self, and hate it more and more, and wish God will punish it.
it is so sad depression for me to go to work everyday, and it afffects me badly, i got no mood to work, i just count no. of days per week and month and finding asking permission from my families to quit, but they say i should not quit becos of that witch, but i can't take it, they don't know that just by listening to it voice, making me mad, they say i am very weak person, they say that wicked person won and i am a loser. i am so confuse.
i think this wicked bully is the one that trigger my dizziness, light headed and depression, do u think so, pls tell me should i quit my work? heath is more important right?

09-06-09, 15:56
i ask this alot when you post but have you been to a dr yet you never seem to answer me , we all need help to get through these issues


09-06-09, 16:27
soorry amanda I've been to many doctors, they keep on giving me xanax, librax, lorapezium , i am givingup, i know what is my triggering and problems, that is why i hope anybody here can give me some lights, on what to do, i am suffering painful of emotional torture as what i say on top, i hope to solve it on my own, becos i am not rich person to go for expensive treatment, i 've ben to doctors, lots of them and they gave me pills, pills and i try to cure it myself, becos i am hoping how to get strong inside of me, i am too weak and emtoitonal,i hope to help myslef, can I

09-06-09, 16:28
i been to doctor took blood confirm anameia , i thought anaemia cosing me to dizzy, but i think not, i think it is the insecure, panic feeling of meeting that bully that i guess cos me all these proeblms, i am having depression, should i quit my job?

09-06-09, 17:23
how i wish my life can be perfect then i won't suffer all these depression, anxiety and panic attack, i do have loving parents, but too bad they divorced at my young age, and i got to live in with my fierce jeolus step mother and suffer in her hands, my life has never been peace for a while, and i wish my husband will forever look me in my eyes with love and hold my hand with so much love, (yes, even now he is , but i am not sure of his reaction when i say i want to stop working , i am afraid he will be tension or depression having to survive become only sole breadwinener,) i cross my finger, how i wish i can be perfect daughter in law, wife and mum but iam not, i got so much emotion, hurt and pain. i wish i am a real mum who can be close to my kids, teach them good things and guide them, and they respect me, but i can't, my kids never listen and never respect me as a mum becos my kids always sees my husband condemn and scolded and critize me ,so they got no respect, in return i give up on being good mum, how i wish i have peace at work , i tried the most best of me not to have enemy at work, but each time ihelp someone and get close with someone sincerely, they betray and hurt me, and they make my life hell at work, becos of that, everyday i come home angry and in pain,and see the world as so many cruel, mean people.I don't see beauty in life, where i can rest my brain, relax my mind. i wish i can be what i wish but i can't , life is too too painful for me, i don't know how to move on. i wish ican stop hating everyone, including myself, becos i hate myslef for being so trusting and good to help people. i wnated to be a housewife very much, but my husband say i be a lousy housewife, it hurts/

09-06-09, 20:09
Sorry your still not sure of what to do, but, to be honest honey if this is making you so ill you need to look around for another job as you say you cant afford to leave the one your in. But try to look for another job in your spare time then as soon as you find one you can just leave them all to it.
People who bully others like that soon move onto someone else...which is still wrong but one day they will come up against someone who isnt so vunerable and anxious and they wiil get their come-upance.
Can i ask why your management didnt do anything to help when you reported this person? surely your hr department could give you some support and advice?
I hope you manage to sort this out for the best.
Take care

10-06-09, 11:59
even after letting management know, no one can do anything, everybody seems to be so scared of this person, as i say this is a nacrissim person so it is so clever at talking, making faces and manipulating words, so it always got away with anything, can't do anything abt that, just hopeing God will punish this person, for ruinning everybody life, but i don't know when this person will get punishment from God. becos it is too cruel and bad.
there's no way i can get another job and it s hard to get a job here, anyway i wish to take a break and take care of my house and families, becos i am so lost and i need to rebuild and get well better from my depression state, i am terrible, i can't even look at myself in mirror, all i do is sleep whole day, my body is so so weak tired and sleepy,i wish to take care of myslef later when i

10-06-09, 14:43
AGAIN pls tell ME how to stop my dizines, it is always with me the whole day, what's is wrong, hate this, will it ever stop dizziness giddyiness and light heaedned, i can't do anything, i can't clean my house, i can't go out, can't do anything, every minute is like a time bomb to me, i am scared i go giddy again and yeah i am giddy whole day, it never ever seem to stop , hwlp will it ever stop for any of you that is successful in getting rid of this dizziness? i hate dizzy?

10-06-09, 15:34
Correct breathing will help the dizziness. Learn how to do that and it will help.

10-06-09, 15:43
Alba I have just replied to your other post on the Symptoms forum about this problem.I agree with Nicola. Sue x

11-06-09, 14:20
thanks, i am getting a bit bette,r but still have a bit of dizziness, light headedness and unsteady, i am feeling better, but still dizyz, and tired, i can't wait to spring back to life, where ican go shopping, see things clearly. i hope to get well. i am still very sleepy, i am sleepy whole day today, when is this going to be over.

11-06-09, 18:29
hi please dont be so hard on yourself see if there are other nice people at work you can talk to that bully is not better than you. maybe you should take some time off work ask doctor for sick note and while you are off have a look at the job centre I wish you all the best x

12-06-09, 02:31
pls help, today i feel so so bad, tense, my head giddy,head so tense, and the worst is i can't breathe properly, why what 's happening, actually in themorning when i wake up, i dread, hate to go to work, then i got lazyiness, tiredness, then when i reach office i start to feel this way, why? what should ido first? i feel like running home, but i can't i got alot of work to do,help, i am desperate. i don't know could it be becos of last night.

12-06-09, 02:32
what should i do to relax, i findhard to breathe.