View Full Version : New panic attack rush

eternally optimistic
09-06-09, 13:36

I had to visit the bank for work yesterday and have previously had problems with them which has caused anxiety!! I know it sounds ridiculous.

Anyway, I got EXTREMELY anxious, starting to sweat and really feeling out of control. My whole body, head to toe, felt like it was going to go.
I was finding it really hard to concentrate without causing attention to myself. I was ready to run, if I could.

What I would like to know is how people deal with this situation when it gets this bad.

I've been on medication and my attacks are fewer and far between but am feeling quite depressed today. Don't know if this is as a result of what happened.

I had this many years ago, I did actually pass out twice in a hospital!!!!!!
Completely unconscious!!! My husband was in for an operation and I got to a bed before he did - very embarrasing.

If anyone has got ideas in dealing with this successfully, I would love to hear from you.



09-06-09, 15:36
Hello and welcome to the site.
I find other people's stories inspiring and makes me feel a lot better knowing I'm not the only one with panic attacks..
I find breathing techniques seem to calm me down. I just find a square breathe in for half the square and breathe out for the other half. Just keep finding squares and concentrate on your breathing....

Other than that it's upto you to control these and don't let them control you. Just try to remember youve gotten through them before you can do it again. Us that live with panic attacks have to be strong people to get through each day. :) x

11-06-09, 01:34
Squares? What do you mean Gemma?

11-06-09, 19:22
I just look for something in the shape of a square. Take a deep breath in... follow the square half way round.. then breathe out for the last half of the square. Just follow round the edge of the square with your eyes... Seems to help me :) x