View Full Version : Feeling suicidal please help!

09-06-09, 15:07
Hi people, have had a bad few days, after doing so well in my battle against anxiety. I had really dragged myself up and got out and about, even taken up a hobby. Its been so hard to do, but now have been hit by constant nausea and I have a phobia of vomiting. I just can't be like this anymore. Doctor is no good, they don't take me seriously. I can't face going there and breaking down, can't even get through this without crying. Husband and mum just ignore me. The only reason I feel bad about doing it is for my little boy, I know he will be lost without me, he is such a darling. On the other hand, I must be ruining his life, always ill and sad and crying. I try so hard to hide it from him but he is so sensitive he picks up on it. All the other symptoms I have had I could live with, but not being sick. The fear is so bad, nobody understands, I can't be like this every day, just want to go to sleep and not wake up, just peaceful. I don't want to hurt my son, what else can I do?

09-06-09, 15:58
depression is awful , ive felt same in past week but always something worth keeping us here, your little boy is special and really needs you try to go and see another dr whol will listen to you

take care

09-06-09, 16:09
Hi Jessie,

You are right your son would be devestated for the rest of his life if you went to sleep forever. We are not allowed to discuss suicide on the forum here but I suggest you call your GP for an appointment to get a physical. I also think you need to get into counseling immediately as you are very depressed. Here are some numbers to call when you are feeling very low and they will help.


Please try and eat right and get some sort of exercise in as that will raise your serotonin levels and will help. You can see that you are not alone and we will help you get through this difficult period in your life. I know how difficult it is but please try and focus on the good things you have such as your son. Good luck and reach out and get some professsional help asap.

