View Full Version : largish ovarian cyst

09-06-09, 17:55
I am perimenopausal (48yrs old) and past two years have hadmixture of months without periods then months of bleeding. Had loads of tests 18 months ago and was told nothing wrong other than wonky hormones. Well after 5 months period free - three months ago I started bleeding - mostly slight with occasional floods lasting up to 12 hrs. I am not aneamic and blood fine. I had an abdominal ultrasound back in Feb checking on my little gallstones and they also did my womens bits as well and all normal. I was getting a bit worried about the forever bleeding so my GP said rather than send me back to gyny yet again she would send me for pelvic utlrsound first. I had it this morniing and the radiographer said that I had a largish cyst on my right ovary. I said I normally have a couple of little fibroids in womb and she said yes I can see them but she didn't mention anything else being wrong and I think she would have given that she told me about the cyst straight away.
My doesn't get the report till early next week so no point in going back to her before she has it as she can't refer me to gyny without report.
I know that ovarian cysts come and go and just because I haven't had one before as far as I know does not mean I haven't as you don't get ultrasounds that often! BUT my cousin died of ovarian and womb cancer in Jan and I can't get this out of my mind.
When she had her initial scan they told her there was alsorts wrong like possible large fibroid and couldn't find one ovary and lots of fluid in her abdomen which at the time rang alarm bells with me.
I am trying to stay calm:huh: but the waiting is terrible - have to wait for scan report then no doubt wait for gyny appt - also last time I saw gyny she suggeted a hysterectomy because she said the dysfunctional bleeding could last up to 8 yrs as I was only 46 then - I cannot take HRT due to family breast cancer so I have a horrible feeling that the bleeding combined with a cyst will mean they say I need hysterectomy as I know they don't like leaving cysts in people around meno in case something is lurking unseen.

How do I stand the waiting:shrug:

11-06-09, 04:53
i get cysts ALL the time! no biggie, they go away with time and you're at a big hormonal change time so it's to be expected

11-06-09, 18:59
Thanks bananas. Saw my Gp today for scan result and she said its a big cyst 7cmsx5cms but they are sure its just a fluid filled cyst nothing on the scan that would make them think otherwise and it may burst on its own but becasue its so big they won't want to leave it to get bigger. On top of the 3 months of bleeding and I am now bleeding very heavily she is sending me bck to gyny - the scan showed my womb lining was bulky but not overthick for someone who is still having periods but without biopsy of lining cannot say for sure its okay. She thinks my best option is to have a hysterectomy which would cure the bleeding trouble and remove the risk of cancerous changed to my womb lining. The gyny will discuss all my options but she thinks this is only realistic one:wacko:
So got an appt with gyny in 11 days which is nice and quick - wonder if I will have to have all the tests again.
My gp recommended that if I am still bleeding heavily into next week to go back and she will give me course of progesterone to stop it and hopefully just have a normal period afterwards.
So one totally terrified gibbering wreck here at thought of having a big big operation.

12-06-09, 18:43
I had exactly what you describe when I was 50 and the cyst was the size of a melon ( so one nurse cheerfully told me when I came round!!) I had dreadful pain and bleeding and when the cyst twisted round on the stalk, it was a morphine injection job!! I had a full hysterectomy and it was fine..they do so many that they are very adept at it I guess. I was not so scared as I knew I had to have it done to get any relief. I couldn't take HRT either but managed fine with only the one injection after the op which did me for 6months after that I went it alone. Best of luck and you will be fine. XX

12-06-09, 20:19
Thanks Mhairi - Glad you are okay. I am not in any pain and would not know I had a cyst it if wasn't for the ultrasound but as you say they can get bigger and bigger until they do cause the sort of trouble you had.
I just wish they could do a hysterectomy while I wan't there:)