View Full Version : Help really scared.Please respond.

09-06-09, 18:17
Hi there,
I need some reasurance.
I was just reading the sun health section and it came up about sudden adult death syindrome, which has scared me bad.
Im 25 married with two great kids I have been having face, chest, back,shoulder and arm pain for a few months.
I have been to the dr and they said im fine and suffering from anxiety and stress, I have had loads of blood tests and the dr has listened to my chest a few times and said was fine.
I had a ECG about 5 years ago which came up ok but its really scared me especially the comment left by someone on the artical as i have the pain he is saying.
Can anyone help me?

09-06-09, 18:30
I have chest pain 24/7 but when i take a sedative it gose away thats how i know its anx if your doctors have said you ok then your fine dont that sudden death syndrome uysally affects people who have had a stroke or a heart attack or have heart faliure....