View Full Version : Tingling in lips numb jaw/chin

09-06-09, 21:44
A newcomer here.
Over the past year and a half I have had it all.
I have gone to the doctor several times, done some blood tests and then ended up being told I was suffering from anxiety/stress. Was recommended CBT and did that with the NHS then got my own counsellor who is brilliant, but the problem is, I still have the problem.
What symptoms have I had thus far:
trembling - hands (it is still there - even though most people don't seem to see it)
pins and needles
general weakness
trembling jaws/teeth

Now having read this forum before and done all the googling out there (which you should not do), I keep focusing on either having MS, Parkinsons or a brain tumour. Doctor said quite clearly I had no such issues and he would not refer me to a neurologist as it was totally unnecessary.

I know this is not surprising and having read other post a lot of people have had similar experiences.

My latest - tingling in lips and my jaw/chin feels kind of numb.

Please, if you got ideas/suggestions I am more than happy to try them out! :)

10-06-09, 07:57
not sure what it is, hope its anxiety, but i have the same things going on.

10-06-09, 10:14
me i have this its a funny feeling in my jaw.

10-06-09, 11:07
I had a panic attack last year and felt that one side of my face had gone numb, and I convinced myself I was having a stroke. I later discovered facial numbness is a common symptom during an anxiety attack. If you are generally anxious anyway it is probably this causing it. I also went through a phase of having a tingling tongue and thinking I had MS, (interestingly calcium deficiency can apparently cause a tingling tongue too), The trouble is when you have a symptom you focus on it so much it seems a lot worse than it actually is - i found that as soon as I found something else to focus my worry on, it disappeared! So I would imagine anxiety is causing your symptoms. Hope this helps a little.

10-06-09, 18:58
Oh yes, you focus on it and it really makes things worst.

Having gone to the doctor and being told quite clearly (though without significant testing or referal to neurologist), that I was suffering from anxiety not MS or Parkinson's or had a brain tumour, you'd think you'd just accept it and try to get through with it, but did I? Nah!

What I seem to do is shift from symptom to symptom and then keep finding that MS and Anxiety have the same symptoms and, as I have been told before, I tend to focus on all that is negative and of course go for worst option. If it wasn't so annoying I'd find it laughable.

I know there are no miracle cures, but please, any suggestions as to what actually works? I have tried the relaxing baths, the music, the breathing, the exercise, the trying to keep focused on other things and all that and STILL it is there and I just focus and focus on it and end up feeling more and more miserable about it.

Oh yeah and the tingling is kind of gone today, but my lips feel dry and now it appears to be at the back of my jaw that there's some sensation and I feel like i keep getting lots of saliva being produced!

Aren't I a bundle of fun? :)

11-06-09, 02:35
Hey there,

I am experiencing new symptoms everyday. I had the numbness on my jaw today. I thought it may have been my stubble, so I shaved it off, and it was still there. I began getting the silly thoughts in my head again, but then I told myself "realistically, what the hell is wrong with me? NOTHING".

I began to accept that it was just a feeling, and told myself soldiers in ancient battles didn't even think about these things and went and fought their wars (And they are made of the same bio-matter as us).

When I accepted the feeling, I forgot all about it, and it has nearly all gone. It is still somewhat numb now, but I think it will go by tomorrow.

11-06-09, 04:34
man, yes.. my jaw tingles and is numb.. mostly on one side. it comes and goes but it drives me bananas.

23-08-18, 03:19
I just came across this now old thread. I have the same strange numb, tingling, light feelings, trembling hands, tight muscles on my scalp, stress headaches, fast heart rate sometimes and numbness and/or weakness in my arms and legs at various times. This didn't start until my thyroid slowed down on me and after much research I think my issues stem from Hashimotos Thyroiditis induced anxiety. I went to an emergency room four times in a year, had CAT scans, EKG, blood work etc and they chalked it up to anxiety. I found out that anxiety is a common side effect of Hashimotos. My thyroid numbers are getting back to normal after taking medicine for it and changing my diet but my thyroid antibodies (which most doctors don't bother to check and should as elevated antibodies means my body is attacking my thyroid) were elevated. Quiting gluten and dairy has helped me a great deal and I also started taking several herbs for anxiety and energy along with amino acids like l-theanine (derived from green tea).