View Full Version : feeling like crap basically..

09-06-09, 22:02
Hi there, new to the forum, but I thought it'd be worth getting some adivce on this before i worry myself to death over it.

Throughout the day, I've been feeling generally worn out, weak and tired. I also keep feeling hungry, even after just eating.

I came home about 45 mins ago, shaking because i felt as though i was really hungry, i ate half of my food (because i felt sick so i didn't finish it), now i feel like i want to eat again.

I feel hungry, but the thought of food makes me feel sick. I don't have any other symptoms.

Is this something to worry about? or am i just going through a Growth spurt? I'm 16, 17 in November, with no previous/current medical conditions.

Please help.

10-06-09, 08:16
When I feel sad I comfort eat. When I feel worried it's hard to eat. My weight yo-yos all the time depending on how I'm coping. My appetite was different when I was that young though.

I wouldn't worry about it, but don't forget you have to eat, or you will get crook.

Be happy :)
