View Full Version : ladies only

09-06-09, 22:37
this is going to be tmi, so dont read on if you dont dare...

i wouldnt go here, but i really need some help..

first of all, can wearing stockings give you stomach pain?

since winter has come on here, ive been wearing stockings and have had slight pain- feels like a tear type of pain, just below my belly button, i keep feeling there but cant feel a lump, but of course freaked out about the whole jade googdy thing...

also, i googled the symptoms last night for cervical cancer..

well another symptom listed is smelly discharge...i know gross right..

but im in my 30s and have noticed over the last 2 years that its a little noticable..a friend at work said this is common for women in 30s and that she has the same...

im trying to calm myself with the fact that ive gone for papsmears every twoyears with my last one last year all clear...also had a blood test last year..so i suppose if anything bad it would be small??

i dont know, google said symtoms only come when its advanced..ive been crying all night..would love some support here.

thanks for listeneing and so sorry about the info...i hate being gross.