View Full Version : Hello

09-06-09, 23:34
Hello everyone,

my name is Nick and I suppose I have anxiety issues, it kind of feels weird saying it but I suppose it is good to do it. I am a student and tried to stay up late to do an essay - I ended up overdoing the caffeine and started panic attacking the next day (mostly about my health and what I had done to it!). Since then I have had good and bad days, at first the chest pains wouldn't go away and I continually worried.

When I had initially been seen the doctor I was too stubborn to accept what she had said and believed that it was just the caffeine and I would get better quickly. She had tried to explain that caffeine had just been a catalyst and not a cause but I think I didn't want to believe that. I have always over-analysed situations and while not being anti-social I can always find reasons not to do things, usually by worrying about who will be there and whether they would want me there, how we would get there and back and things like that.

I have now accepted what has happened and this helps. I haven't fully panic attacked for a while but I still get chest pains and worry, this is especially bad at night when I am lying in bed my mind tends to wander and start the cycle over again. My doctor has tried to put me on beta-blockers but I am wary to go on any medication, I think I want to beat this myself. This is partly because I feel the problem has been caused by me (with the caffeine) so I should be able to beat it, though my doctor says this kind of thinking is what got me in the situation I am in now.

I have read a lot of stuff on the site and just reading about other peoples' experience helps me in more ways than any of you could know. So thank-you, I look forward to getting to know some of you and helping out in some way.


Veronica H
10-06-09, 08:54
:welcome: to NMP Nick. Glad that you have found us.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can not recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover.
