View Full Version : Migraines from anxiety + exam stress?

10-06-09, 04:19
Hi everyone, just wanted to ask your opinions on my migraines.
I have been getting them since about February time - never had one before in my life so this really scared me. Time and time again i've told the doctor and i'm told it is stress related and they don't seem to take me seriously. I suppose it would make sense as my health anxiety began in November time and also I've been in my second year of A Levels at school which, due to my anxiety battle, I have found very hard to cope with. So I guess you could say this has been the toughest of my years yet, but these migraines are truly horrible. They always originate on my left side and I feel pain in my shoulder/neck which leads to a line of pain in my left forehead, eye socket and jaw. Also, when I have one it feels like a pressure on top of and at the back of my head. I had a deep tissue massage and was told I had A LOT of tension, especially in my neck. People say these headaches are just tension but I KNOW this is more painful that that; plus I get serious nausea during and after the headache. Luckily after this week I will have finished my exams and I am taking a year out before university so hopefully I will be stress free..does anyone think this will sort these bad heads out for me? Plus can muscle tension lead to migraines? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Jade x

10-06-09, 18:18
what you´re experiencing sounds stress-related and like a typical migrene. Do you have a family history of migrenes? I had never had them b4 either, they hit off in my early 20´s. And I also get them whenever I´m positively stressed - like out on a date with a wonderful guy:-) I know it sucks. If you saw your doc about this and he told you you´re fine, try to trust him. But yes, I understand how tough it is to deal with something like that.

10-06-09, 18:36
i get migraines all the time.I am doing a 2 yr course called btec animal management which is very stressful

10-06-09, 18:42
that's the thing, i have no family history of them which is weird and at first it worried me because i thought it must be something much worse but i've began to accept it now. its so painful though; like today ive got a horrible cough and i had a migraine yesterday so today when i cough it feels like my brain is going to pop out of my head aahh!!