View Full Version : so scared - please help..

10-06-09, 10:03
I have what looks like a mole on my bum, which I noticed in about november last year. Its red/black, and is quite small - I've shown it to lots of people in my family, including my dad/aunty who are both nurses of some sort and everyone has said it doesnt look like anything to worry about. I also showed it to the doctor who I don't think really examined it properly, as I had about a million problems to tell her this day, she just said 'has it changed?' and I said no, and she just said keep watching it. It seemed to have a tiny bit of flaky skin on it this morning, my mum said this was because I have been picking it so much, but surely this is not normal?
I really don't know what to do, my family are absolutely no help at all as they are sick of me going on about ailments all the time, they hardly even listen to me any more. I really don't know what this could be apart from something really serious, I've been crying all morning, and I just feel like I can't live like this anymore.

10-06-09, 10:13
It sounds fine, just watch it and if your worried in a week or so show your dad.

10-06-09, 13:54
Does this mean that everyone thinks its something bad, seeing as 20 people have looked and only 1 person has replied? ...

10-06-09, 14:33
No it's not bad. Lots of people obsess over moles myself included. Obviously this is your obsession at the moment and you are seeking reassurance. I have a crusty mole that I have had for years. If you keep touching it then it will get inflammed so you really should leave it alone if you can, difficult to do I know.

Sweetheart try not to worry, your family love you and it is difficult to deal with HA.

I was asking my partner everyday to check one particular mole, until I moved on to worry about something else.

If you are really upset about it, go to the doctor again so they can have a proper look to put your mind at rest.

10-06-09, 14:33
Hi not sure that I can help, because I'm worrying too at the minute about a new mole on my hand but couldn't read your post and not answer. I know that its difficult, please believe me but I'm sure we'll be ok. I'm going to see my doctor next week and ask her about my mole. A couple of years ago I was worried about a mole on my neck and nothing came of it. Go back to your doctor and I'm sure they'll put your mind at rest. Its better than living with this constant fear, thats what I'm going to do
take good care
lv pink xxxxxxxxxxxxx