View Full Version : Anyone on Omeprazole?

10-06-09, 12:45
Does anyone here take Omeprazole and feel terrible after taking it. I'm on 10mg and took my tablet about 2 hours ago. Since then I have felt on the verge of being sick (terribly queasy), my IBS seems to be playing, have lower stomach cramps and had to rush to the loo with an upset stomach (which is weird for me as I usually have a slow bowel, once or twice a week). I've been feeling sick for ages and usually gets worse after taking the Omeprazole which I didn't even twig until today. Is it possible for Omeprazole to make you feel that sick and give you stomach pains(also feel more anxious for some reason)? It does help with the acid so not sure what else I could take instead. Anyone else feel like this on Omeprazole?

Also I've read you are supposed to take it for no more than a few weeks at a time. WellI've been on it over a year and not sure if I should be?

10-06-09, 13:03
normally i work in a pharmacy and i know people who have been on it for years. gaviscon make me sick nausea is a side effect apparently just looked it up, like wise with the the tummy pain

10-06-09, 13:32
My Hubby has been on these years ,due to a stomach hernia.He doesnt feel bad on them and suffers really bad acid if he doesnt take them.Perhaps the Dr can give you something not so strong,there are lots of different Meds for these problems. Sue x

10-06-09, 13:36
Thanks for the replies, will ask for something different when I go. Can't take the nausea and upset stomach I get from taking Omeprazole

10-06-09, 13:44
The only side-effect I used to get was feeling a bit dizzy for the first couple of days which then passed.

It is a very good drug though so maybe stick with it or ask for some anti-sickness tablets for the first couple of days.

10-06-09, 13:56
Thanks nomorepanic but I've been on them over a year and always thought my symptoms were the anxiety but just lately have noticed they start after taking Omeprazole. Already on metoclopramide for the nausea and they don't take it away fully. Looking around on the net it seems a lot of people get the nausea, stomach pains etc on Omeprazole so going to ask my Dr about it.

Was supposed to be seeing my Dr tomorrow but just called up to check the time of my appointment to be told they haven't made me one and that my Dr doesn't do Thursdays. Well what the heck did they make me a month ago then over the counter in the Dr's surgery?

10-06-09, 14:08
Iwould ring them back and tell them you need to spk or see another DR ,they have emergency appointments,so insist on it.I have threatened to go to the emergency dept at the hospital in the past,they have to pay if you do that,funny how they find you an appointment !:shrug: Good Luck SUE X

10-06-09, 14:47
Thanks Sue but I only like to see my regular Dr because she knows all my history etc. Plus she's the only lady Dr at the moment (there is one other but she doesn't believe in anxiety so I won't see her again).

10-06-09, 14:54
Omeprazole shouldn't be making you feel ill, I've been on about 20mg for about 6 months now on 1 tab a day.

I can go about 4-5 days without one but my acid is stress related. It shouldn't be giving you sore stomachs or cramps. In fact I find them a wonder tablet, really helped my as I was eating Rennies for fun at one point.

Anxiety maybe playing up a bit thinking its the tablets fault?

10-06-09, 15:03
i know my mom can't take them twice a day like i can. I have been on them almost a year now, and i have been feeling a little queasy lateley but i thin its other problems. My mom
s doctor also told her that some people take way highter doses for years, its just best to start at lower doses as with most medicine, i think we all want it to work at the lowest dose possible. i know i felt anxious and light headed when taking them at first, but i think in the end it was really just anxiety. please keep us updated as to what the doc says and i'm wondering if i should go back myself since i still seem to have aot of stomach/chest pains.

10-06-09, 21:40
I was on these and they gave me chronic diarrhoea. Admittedly I do suffer with bowel problems related to my anxiety, but this was different. My consultant changed them to Nexium which I take 40mg a day and I have not suffered diarrhoea at all since then. I would say that I do get some slight tummy pain with them but unfortunately I have no choice but to take them as I have severe Gastritis and a rather nasty hiatal hernia. Hope that you can eventually find something that suits you well without nasty side effects. Take care.

11-06-09, 09:56
Thanks for the reply everyone. Thanks for the tip about Nexium Chris, will ask about it when I go to the Dr's.

31-08-09, 20:30

I have had stomach problems on and off for a while now (diarrhoea and other strange consistency of stools) the doctor put me on 20mg Omperazole a day (which was about 2 months ago)

I have been getting strange dizzy sensations, stomach cramps, worse diarrhoea, feeling more anxious and an extreme feeling of wanting to be sick (which doesn't go away).

I've been trying to figure out what the cause of it was and I think it may be the Omperazole - I forgot to take my tablet in the morning the other day so I took it in the afternoon, within 40 minutes or so I felt horrific the entire night. I also realised that all of these symptoms started about the same time I began taking the tablets.

I'm going to stop taking them and see if I start to feel better!