View Full Version : wedding nearing!!!!

03-09-05, 20:35
hi guys, most of you know that im due to be wed in october and im realy starting to freak out now. i am so worried that once im in the registrars and im saying my vows that i feel all dizzy or faint, im so worried about embarrasing myself infront of my friends and family. anyone got any good tips that i could practise on the morning of wedding or anything? or has anyone very been through the same thing and got a good success story to tell about their wedding day? would be forever grateful.xxxxxx.


03-09-05, 20:37
think there are a few pages back in misc


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

03-09-05, 20:44
hi Denise,

I have no personal experience of this as I'm not married but just wanted to say that I'm sure you'll be fine. You will be so caught up with your big day that you'll forget to panic. All the best.

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-09-05, 21:19
Hi Den,

It's going to be smashing day.

Loads of people are nervous on their big day and do all sorts of weird and wonderful things, so anything you may or may not do will fade into insignificence and you can always send the video into 'Are you being framed'.

If I ever get married again I'm going to stick all my crystal collection on my dress and have crunchies in my tiara (like in Vicar of Dibley).

Big hugs

Piglet xxxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-09-05, 22:09
aw thanx guys for the kind words, and piglet your the best hun xxxxx.


05-09-05, 20:23
Hi Denise

i do feel for you as im due to wed next june and am already panicking. i think it may be beneficial to practice some deep relaxation techniques in the following weeks such as massage and aromatherapy, if money is tight because of your wedding why not book an appointment at the local college. i teach hair and beauty in a college and know that its alot cheaper and just as beneficial.

im sure your day will be lovely, just try to focus on the whole event as your special day and try not to get to hung up on tiny things.

good luck and congratulations


05-09-05, 20:35
Hi Denise
I was married 18mths ago and was panicking like crazy up until the day.
The registrar was excellent when i told her the problems i have she let me sit down throughout the whole ceromony and got me a glass of water to sip throughout...I thought we were there ages but when i watch the video back from start to finish it took 4 mins.
Wishing you Luck on your happy day

Hazel xxx

05-09-05, 23:21
Hi Denise

A few people on this site have got married over the last year and felt just like you did and their day went absolutely fine. We tend to worry more about the event than actually the outcome of it and i know we all do it. Hey any bride will be nervous and i totally appreciate how you feel. My biggest fear when i get married is that i pass out or lose it and that is over a year away. I was my best friends bridesmaid a year ago and i panicked so much before hand that i was no use to her at all, but through out the service i loved it and anxiety was the last thing on my mind.

Just enjoy it for your day and i hope it is one of the happiest days of your life.

We are all here wishing you lots of good luck and happiness for the future.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

06-09-05, 13:35
Hi Denise,
I can sympathise with how you are feeling.I get married in December and my worst fear is fainting.However.Saying that I have somehow managed to turn my fear into excitment.Im now really looking forward to it.After all it should be the best day of your life shouldnt it.

I just tell myself that it will be normal on the day to be nervous.I dont know about you,but I find that when I am distracted I dont feel panic symptoms so much.Well,on your wedding day you will have so much going on,you wont have time to feel faint.You will be too distracted by getting ready.I also tell myself that I have never(in 5 years) fainted,so why should I then?

Just try and think positive thoughts,have a glass of champagne and do all the things you normally do to cope with your symptoms.You will probably feel much worse anticipating than experiencing.good luck and let us know how it all goes.Im sure I will be back in a few months time asking for reassurance too. xx

06-09-05, 14:48
Hi denise i got married nearly 2years ago and on the day of the wedding i thought i was going to faint or pass out but luckily i didnt, i had a severe panic attack two hours before the actuall wedding time wth all the usual aymptoms of panic after that passed i just thpught to myself what the hell im going to marry the woman of my dreams and everything was ok.

but it is normal to feel stressed and panicy on your wedding day..

hope everything goes smoothly for you and that you have a great day

All the best
