View Full Version : Friendships

10-06-09, 14:38
I've had two friendships end in the last week so feel a tad worried. It's a long background one was somebody I worked with but when the friendship had ended I had never seen her in about 2 years in person anyway but was no longer to continue MSN or text conversations.

My other friendship that ended was one for two years and I never seen them much anyway but spoke daily on MSN. I felt over the last few months they are causing me more bother than it's worth even though it does seem like "another thing lost".

It's like work I have been looking for a new job but can't instantly replace things. I mean on paper a few months back I identified things annoying me in life and these two people were one due to the lack of good friendship they gave or what I expected.

Basically my attitude is I only want to bother with people who bother with me. The last year I have had nothing but disappointment and let downs. I suffered extreme stress at one point due to a few issues. One was my work I went part time or I'd have been sacked or I'd have walked. Another was my driving lessons I had to change instructor as my confidence would have been knocked that bad I'd have gave up. The last two were these friendships. So I guess this was all positive then?

I'm worried in case it makes me desperate no immediate fix. I went on a date with a woman I never fancied much and she was into things I never agreed with so I worry I am losing the plot.

I just want to find my correct way in life. I feel good for chucking all these problems away and am actually relaxing more? If that makes sense however I'm stuck where to go next? Any advice it's all been alot to take in tacking these issues the last few months and I am just anxious at the moment.

I feel more able to make big choices now without being rash. Will next year be better? Can I be positive on it? :unsure:

10-06-09, 15:16
Thanks yes looks like I am having a bad day of it. Had to remove somebody else from my profile on a social networking site as they were annoyed as I said they did drugs they go with somebody I work with..

I am just so anxious about all this mess. I'm struggling to see how I can come out good? I hope I can but I feel like just hiding away.

10-06-09, 18:18
i broke away with 2 of my friends a yr ago,i felt so down about it,but luckily we are talking again

01-02-10, 00:03
I'm feeling a bit left out at the moment. I did make up with those friends since making this post however about 6 or 7 weeks ago I fell out with one. And because I fell out with them the group I did go about with I'm kind of not in it anymore plus they stopped going nights out and so forth.

I'm not really desperate to join groups and so forth but I'm a little bit worried as I have nobody to talk to these days. I'm still focusing on love life/finding a job but it's hard.

I have no idea how I will make new friendships anytime soon... :blush:even that that the friendships I had were never the best. But when you feel you have nobody is not good? I'm only 21 and sat in all weekend like I did before I made those friendships 3 years ago (no consolation I use to be in this position)..but it's a bit rubbish at my age sitting bored at a weekend...

01-02-10, 00:07
Since i got ill i have realised who my real friends are and i really dont have many. One or two at the most and one of them was made on here after i became ill and iv never met her .

But the people i have in my life are people i want to be there and i couldt be without them. The people who left were doing me no good anyway so why keep them to make myself feel popular

Quality not Quantity goes a long way

All your recent changes sound positive steps forward for the better. You should be proud not worried.
