View Full Version : withdrawal misery

10-06-09, 15:11
I stopped taking my 20mg dose of Citalopram recently because a.) I wasn’t convinced it was having any effect and b.) I felt it might be responsible for me having gained weight. I started taking Citalopram when there was a lot of stress in my life but at the point where the positive effects normally kick in, I also found that most of these stressors had gone. As such, I never knew if I was feeling better because of the tablets or because my life became much more stable.

Instead of weaning myself off by taking a tablet every other day as my GP advised, I wanted to accelerate the process so I took a table every 2-3 days for a month. Its been about 10 days since my last one and I’ve pretty much had a constant headache and I feel really hot all the time. I’m incredibly irritable and snappy and I’m remembering what it’s like to cry over minor problems. My poor boyfriend is constantly getting his head bitten off.

My car is off the road while I wait for a part which should have arrived today but hasn’t. This is a bit of an inconvenience but you’d think it was the end of the world the way I’m behaving. My job allows me to work from home a lot but I’m barely doing anything at the moment which is making me feel worse because I’m consumed with guilt. When I do try to work though it makes my headache worse and I keep getting really sleepy. I’m 24 years old and I regularly have an afternoon nap these days which also makes me feel a bit pathetic. It would be better if I could go into the office but … argh! I have a 40 mile commute which is awkward and expensive without a car. Once upon a time I would have a phobic like reaction at the thought of driving, now I get anxious and stressed because I’m not able to drive.

I don’t feel as though my coping ability was ever really ‘tested’ when I was on Citalopram because nothing particularly anxiety provoking happened. Or maybe it did but I didn’t interpret it as such because the meds were keeping me sane???

I just want to feel normal again but I’m not even sure what normal is for me. Feeling physically ok would be a start I guess. I’m not looking for answers – I just wanted to have a bit of a rant. I’m in control of my feelings / thoughts and I should be trying to pull myself together but it’s so damn hard.

10-06-09, 16:22
Youll get back to normal soon, It just takes time to get adjusted to less serotonin. Dont feel bad about having a nap ,its good for the nerves to rest. Hope you feel better soon ,Luv Suex:hugs:

11-06-09, 12:26
Hi I have cut from 20mg to 10 mg recently and can totally appreciate how you feel.
Even though it's been about 6 weeks since I cut, I'm incredibly angry and irritable at the moment for no apparent reason.
Also, since starting taking Citalopram (over a year ago), I regularly have to have nap through the day as I start to feel really drowsy and washed out by mid afternoon. This makes me feel lazy and demotivated, but I very much put this down to the tablets. I can often drop off for about 2 hours and still manage to feel tired at bedtime and sleep ok.
I think when you cut or stop the tablets, it takes a while for the serotonin levels to adjust. My only advice to you is to keep plodding along. I've hit the stage where I feel like I might as well just go back up to 20mg, but I'm determined to get off these drugs. I'm sure you will start to feel better soon

13-06-09, 08:38
I cut down from 20mg - 10 - 5 & then off. The first week to 10 days were ok (still in my system) then for the past 2 - 3 weeks I have been getting some anxiety & down spells that come & go at random but over all they are decreasing (its now 4 weeks since I stopped). Two things I have learned so far - SSri's can take weeks or months to get used to, or to get over (see the "medication" section on here and I have a very low tolerance to Citalopram (some of you are luckier).