View Full Version : painful left arm

10-06-09, 16:05
Hi all,
for a few weeks i have been suffering with pain in my left armradiating from shoulder into me hand sometimes giving me pins and needles. anyhoo spoke to the physio in my work and says its coming from my neck, but i just cant get the feeling out my head that its really coming from my heart. I know if it was my right arm i would not be worried about this at all but because its on the left side near my heart its freaking me out:-(:blush:

10-06-09, 17:54
sounds like tention love.

10-06-09, 18:09
i have the exact same thing,also in my left leg too

10-06-09, 21:22
have you been told what this is chris or what causes it, and do u get any relief from pain killers?

10-06-09, 21:28
i dont take painkillers but i am on citalopram for anixety and panic attacks,my muscles are very tense so i'm thiking of having a massage

10-06-09, 21:34
I have had this no end of times, and like you automatically related it to my heart. My ECG was fine however, they told me it was tension i was holding in my shoulders and neck which can easily travel to the arm. Try not to worry!

10-06-09, 21:41
This is my biggest problem, I have suffered from pain in my left arm for at least two years .? I had physio several times, massages, the doctors have checked it out over and over and nothing as ever been found, despite being told that everything is ok my arm is usually the one thing thats starts my P/A I cant control it at all which is why the panic sets in. However no matter how painfull it gets is does pass. I take paracetamol and I put a wheat bag on it too to ease the pain. I hope this has been helpfull

peppa pig
12-06-09, 09:21
oh i fully understand your panic over your heart , i had been suffering similar symptoms and became obsessed with my heart , had ecg and echo's etc everything came back ok , but pain in my arm just got worse , tingling , numbness pins and needles my dr had by this time just put me down as crazy and kept telling me to take paracetamol , it never touched the pain i was getting , went to a&e they gave me stronger painkillers , anyway cutting long story short was admitted to hospital on monday by emergency dr , came home last night after loads of tests and it was comng from my neck , had mri , x-rays and ultrasound which confirmed this , although still in discomfort on strong painkillers i feel so much better knowing i wasn't going crazy , now been refered for some physio sessions which they say will help and need to improve posture which doesnt help

12-06-09, 11:54
I get exactly the same thing when my tension builds up, it took a while for me to except that it was really tension and not something to do with my heart but mine tends to come and go a lot and I would think if it was heart related something would have happened by now.

I can have this for weeks at a time and then it will eventually go away and I can go weeks without it, I just thank my lucky stars that it does go away eventually.