View Full Version : For the ladies (menopause)

10-06-09, 20:57
Hi ladies

I am 51 years old & had my last period about 6 or 7 years ago:ohmy:

I am lucky (touch wood) that I don't have hot flushes & as I already had anxiety & depression, I don't appear to have any symptoms - until now!

I do have heart palps on & off during the day, some days are more than others, I was just wondering if this could be menopause & whether you think that after all this time with no period & symptoms, that some symptoms could start now?


10-06-09, 21:14
Hi Els:D

Im no expert but I know the menopause symptoms can last long after the periods have gone:shrug:

I get palps and dont think they are serious....just try to ignore them

Luv Kaz x:hugs: