View Full Version : I feel sad :(

10-06-09, 23:24
My real truth is: I am constantly afraid that I am not good enough. I am a freak, I am stupid when I make small errors, I am too emotional, I drink too much, I am weak. EVERYTHING ABOUT ME SEEMS TO BE WRONG IN MY OWN HEAD!!!!! I always overreact to everything, even when I know better.

Why am I so hard to like? No one can like the person who doesn't like themself. I am so sick of my garbage thoughts! I need to trash them, I keep knowing this, but I also keep going back to it. I am so angry with myself right now.

10-06-09, 23:27
I feel exactly the same way about myself...apart from mine aren't thoughts, they are fact!

10-06-09, 23:32
There!!! I admitted my worst fear!

10-06-09, 23:32
Hi both of you

we all feel like that sometimes but try to challenge every negative thought with a positive one!!!

"I am not stupid - but a sensible person who sometimes makes mistakes just like everyone else!!!"

Good luck to you both & keep strong


10-06-09, 23:33
Fact? No
They are the thoughts that go up & down. Bruised ego

10-06-09, 23:34
Not ready yet. Will have to put up with feeling sad for a few hours. Then it will pass later as it always does

11-06-09, 01:27
Aww Melody I'm sorry you're feeling sad, but when you are ready, best thing to do is to look at your affirmations, I have copied and pasted the affirmations you have posted previously, down below to remind you that you are good enough, you are not a freak, you are not stupid in any way and that you're stronger than you think:

I am OK. I am safe. I am loved.
I am allowed to feel sad, angry or scared sometimes.
I have the right to be the judge of what I do or think, without the need for explanations.
I have the right to say "NO" without feeling guilty.
I have the right to make mistakes. Perfection is simply an illusion.
It's OK to take a risk & fail, then try again.
I can be more independent. I can trust who I am & that I know what to do.
I will make peace with myself by demanding respect of my boundaries
I am alive & free. I may choose to do as I please. Life can be fun.
Honesty will set me free. I can be proud of who I am & what I believe.
I am allowed to feel the way I feel. There is no need to fight it!
It is OK to feel angry. This means I respect my need for boundaries.
It is unwise to give up what I need for myself to others. I can choose how much I am able to give & respect me limitations.
I am confident & brave.
I deserve for good things to happen to me!!!

11-06-09, 08:28
Ohhh... thanx Wolfieeee...,
I did look at some affirmations today & yesterday from the internet

I am proud of myself for even daring to try
I am able to easily handle any problem I face
Today I am willing to fail in order to succeed
I feel comfortable with all the decisions I make
Today nurturing myself is my highest priority
I treat myself with kindness and respect
Today I give myself permission to be greater than my fears

Recently I tried doing my affirmations while I was doing my cardio at the gym. I closed my eyes & repeated what I wished to feel. It is like a natural high. I have heard about positive thinking when exercising & those people are right. And I burned more calories cause I didn't hit the wall for longer.

Sometimes it can feel like I am making no progress, but in my past I would never have imagined I could feel only slightly below average tonight after being so heavily depressed this morning. PROGRESS! A bit sad still, not devastated. It was only my mind playing dirty tricks on me again.