View Full Version : Sore eye corner (not in eye, but externally)

10-06-09, 23:30
Stuck in London on a course this week and stuck in my hotel room dwelling on my latest issue, which is a sore eye corner. It is the corner outside the eye, it is all red and sore and hurts to blink or shut my eye. Any ideas? Should I ask the pharmacist? I feel all vulnerable not being at home :(

11-06-09, 14:10
I have that right now, same exact spot. My eye had white stuff on it this morning. I don't pay attention to it because it comes when there are allergens in the air. It always goes away in my case but yes, have the pharmacist look at it. They know a lot.

12-06-09, 00:25
Sweets,it sounds like it could be a little stye coming..I dunn othough,should pop along and just ask for advice :) Hope it goes well. xxxxxxxxx

16-06-09, 21:06
I went to the pharmacists and got some eye cream, but it is still no better and is now starting with the other eye too. Should I go to the docs or wait a bit longer? x

16-06-09, 21:24
Hello fairyloveheart,

I had something very similar last week, and my eyes became quite swollen. The skin was also raised, red and felt dry. I used a lovely gentle eye moisturiser, Dr. Hauschka, which is organic and totally pure, this soothed the area. I stopped wearing eye make up for a few days, and thoroughly washed all makeup brushes. Has been fine since, so I think it may have been caused by a makeup irritation.

17-06-09, 07:04
Interesting, thanks. I don't wear make up, so can't be that. I put it down to being in London for a while and being on the tube and in the smog, but now it has carried on since I got back, I'm not so sure. I guess I will wait for a few days and then go to the docs if no better. It really hurts though :(