View Full Version : new guy, panics and general worry

11-06-09, 08:55
Hello, Im not new to forums but I am new to talking about my problems, so you will have to bear with me on this one.

I have had panics for about a year now. Triggers are big hills (im a photographer, and the first one happened on the moors) alcohol, caffine, exersize, smoking and some out of the blues.

Like I said my first one happened on the moors and I didnt have a clue what was going on of course, I got mountain rescue out and everything and it was probably the worst day of my life.

Looking back before that day I had a few other ones which I didnt know was panic attacks and the first one was when I stupidly took half an E tablet with some friends. I ended up freaking out and phoning an ambulance. In the hospital they checked me out and said I was fine with just some 'tissue damage' and walked off. To this day I dont know what that means and it might be the start of all of this. Evidence that drugs lead to mental health issues, who would have thought it :roflmao:

I have give up alcohol, smoking and caffine now to try and get a handle on things. I still get them and currently am seeking help at my doctors from a primary care worker. Things arnt progressing as well and as quickly as I had hoped but I suppose I cant expect miracles.

Anyway thats the longest introduction ever, oh yeah I almost forgot, im 20 and a photographer for a living.

11-06-09, 09:13
hi your not alone this is a good site everyone in same boat x

11-06-09, 09:43
hi, yeah looks like we are all in the same boat at the moment :O)

11-06-09, 09:45

Welcome to the site I think you will find lots of good advice and support on here from people who understand how you feel.

Take care


11-06-09, 12:10

I can identify with you here re the drugs as that's what triggered off mine also and I regret that every day of my life but there is no point in looking back.

I blame myself for it happening due to that but then I look at other people who take drugs etc and this has not happened to them so I still think there is a genetic link and other factors. For a long time I thought that I had physically damaged myself from drugs but this is not true and I personally think that "tissue damage" comment sounds unlikely.

Hang in there it will get better


11-06-09, 15:48
Mate I am at work and really struggling but keep reading the pages on this site and bring myself back round everything is fine and its easy to make yourself panic. I hold it in all day and then get home and it goes really bad and I really struggle had 3 paramedics out last week and thought I was going to die. Anything can trigger them it just knowing that they won't hurt you and they will pass

Veronica H
11-06-09, 17:36
:welcome: to NMP.Glad that you have found us.There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can not recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover.


11-06-09, 21:37
Wow thank you for all the nice welcomes, I was a bit worried about signing up (worry, here, never :roflmao:)

Like I said I am currently seeking help at the doctors from the primary care worker. I am reading booklets from the library he showed me, listening to relaxation cds and going to try my hand at yoga soon too so hopefully I am on the long road to recovery. Im sure I can get help from this forum too just to help me along.

Dont worry once im mended I plan on sticking around, I am really interested and looking foward to helping people once im better. I know how bad it is and even if i can help one more person its worth it.