View Full Version : i cant carry on like this the way i feel is torture

11-06-09, 09:40
ive had a lot of health complaints over the last 12 months. one doctor thinks its all anxiety based and another doesnt agree, so, i might be posting on an anxirty forum when thats not really the root cause.

the latest nightmare started last week when i suddenly went all funny. everything went blurry and the room started moving, i was sitting down fine at the time. then this awful headache came on and tingly arms. i have felt ill ever since and now i am scared i had a mini stroke or something. im utterly utterly terrfied and ive just walked my son to school with tears in my eyes willing one foot to move in front of the other.
i have pleaded with my partner to stay home and be with me but he wont. i really really dont want to be alone and i keep crying.
i have felt ill for 12 months now, ive been to ent about 5 times and cardiology, had an mri scan a while back for headaches and have an appointment with gastro doctor coming up. no one seems to find out why i keep feeling ill with different things.
i dont think these symptoms are anxirty, i think i am worried because of the symptoms. i have been taking 5mg cipralex for 2 months now just because the first doctor said i should but i feel no different anyway.
i want to be how i used to be. i hate this , i dont want to carry on like this because my partner is hating me for it aswell.

11-06-09, 09:46
has the dr reviewed you with the anti-depressant? 5mg is the lowest dose and it may need upping for it to work properly

11-06-09, 09:54
no because i havent been back to him. he blames everything on depression / anxiety i think its because hes seen on my notes i once had postnatal depression.

11-06-09, 09:59
it does sound abit like anxiety, i have been prescribed cipralex that want me to start straight on 20mg but was to nervous to take it so going to halve it for a couple of day so at 10mg. 5mg is really the starter dose and you may need to increase it to get the benifts

11-06-09, 10:24
So sorry to hear you're not feeling good.
I can identify with the things you mentioned, apart from the tingly arms.
Did the ENT suggest what the problem could be? I went there twice and was told I had Meniere's Disease but they then referrred me to a neurologist for a brain scan and I was then told I had positional vertigo. If you've had a recent brain scan then it would have detected something. You didn't mention why you've an appointment with gastro but I attend one as well. I agree that all this contributes to anxiety as I have had various illnesses, operations, procedures, etc and this was well before I started having anxiety/panic attacks, depression, etc. I know you're on a low dose of medication but why were you prescribed it? I've been on so many medications (and feel like I've been used as a "guinea pig") by GP., hospital doctors, psychiatrist, etc.
Please let us know how you're getting on and do remember, you're not alone with this.

12-06-09, 18:32
the doctor has suggested the funny turn could be migraine but i dont really think thats it.
my partner is going out tonight and i am terrified that i might have it happen again. ive got pains in my head. i have to be ok for my kids.