View Full Version : Blood on toilet paper after diarrhea

11-06-09, 14:07
Have to be graphic here but yesterday I had the runs real bad from eating too much fruit (not used to it). Which I expected but afterwards I saw some fresh red blood on the toilet paper. I didn't look at the stool itself to see if it was in there and I know that dark blood would mean trouble (I have never seen that). I had a lot of gas so kept going to the bathroom to pass this (so I wouldn't have an accident thinking it's "just gas") and saw just clear stuff, like gel mixed with a little blood. I know I have had this in the past but am scared. Has anyone else had this?

11-06-09, 14:22
Sounds like piles to me and easily treatable.

11-06-09, 14:24
id agree with nomore panic

also what fruit did ou eat anything red?

11-06-09, 15:12
I didn't eat anything red. This is actual blood. I don't see piles but heard they could be inside.

11-06-09, 15:18
Hi I get this all the time could either be piles and yeah they can be inside or out sometimes very hard to see or a small tear caused by the diarohea or wiping too hard. Am sure it is nothing to worry about as it is fresh blood and not dark.

11-06-09, 16:13
Hi Lauren, i''ve had this happen too when i had diareah a few months ago. Donski is right about a little tear occuring or wiping too hard, i read about it in a problem page about a week later as someone had the same problem. The doctor who gave this person advice said it was normal for this to happen after diareah.

Take care x:-)

11-06-09, 18:48
yes if its bright red blood its most likely to be piles, scarey when you see it for first time though isn't it :hugs:

12-06-09, 02:50
Thank you so much, everyone who replied. It stopped today, have not had any diarrhea so don't really know. Just have cramps, stomach so sore. Maybe some kind of virus. I hope I don't see more blood next time but this seems common.

12-06-09, 09:13
:hugs: glad ot has stopped for you now, i had it the other week, i think there is a bug going around to what with the warmer weather