View Full Version : Controlling sickness

11-06-09, 14:09
Does anyone have any experience with anti emetic drugs. Drugs to stop sickness or feeling sick. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow and I want to know what to ask for as I am very worried about taking medication. I have been suffering with nausea for the last week and thought maybe some tablets may take the edge of of it and give me some confidence. Does anyone have any advice or experience. Also,has anyone tried accupuncture or natural remedies for either nausea or general anxiety? I would be happy to give some of these a try but don't know where to start or who to see about it.

Any advice anyone?

magpie girl
11-06-09, 14:22
hi ive tried accupuncture for sickness and for my legs injuries,it helped my legs but not the sickness!!!! i got that fed up being sick my gp gave me metroclopramide,there are lots of different ones to try,you may only need them for a week. dont be scared to take them as i found once the sickness stopped my anxiety lowerd aswell

11-06-09, 17:31
I've tried loads of natural things for nausea, ginger, anti nausea wristbands, and also loads of things from my Dr (Phenergen, Buccastem, sea legs etc). Nothing at all worked until my Dr put me on Metclopramide. This is a life saver, you can take 3 tablets a day and they start to work within 30 minutes of taking them. I have a fear of being sick so was terrible before going on them. Have been on them about 18 months now and would be terrible without them, definately ask your Dr abou them

11-06-09, 18:55
Hey i take domperidone and it helps control things. don't worry about taking medication for it.. all it does is help:)

11-06-09, 21:54
Thank you all so much. I will def ask for metachlopromide. This sounds like a good drug to try. I do have some domperidone here, maybe I can try that on a different day. Thanks guys, just need something to help get me back on my feet. I am too terrified of being sick so nausea causes extreme panic in me.

12-06-09, 01:44
My dad takes metrachlomide(sp?) for an inflamed stomach..he gets bad bad sickness and throawin up etc and these have definiteyl calmed him down a lot.


31-07-09, 18:01
I'm on Ranitidine at the moment which deals with stomach acid. It was working, but seems to have stopped now.

Sometimes I get stomach sickness, but sometimes is a 'head' sickness feeling (a bit like a hangover).

Worst feeling really is nausea. I'd rather have pains than that.

Looked up Metoclopramide. Seems to be some quite serious potential side effects, though supposedly rare.