View Full Version : MS symptoms

11-06-09, 14:13
hiya, im a newbie...been reading various posts for a few weeks now, but managed to pluck courage to join and post.

For about 6 weeks i have been going out of my mind...all started when i thought i had Diabetes...got a test down at my local Lloyds and it came out at 7.2 (.2 out of normal range)...felt like a bomb had dropped on me and boy did the palpitations start to kick in! ive had them on and off for 5 years...but this time they felt longer and worse. I then began to experience tingling in my legs and sometimes id wake up with pins and needles in my hand....I got a proper test done at my local Gps and the result came back as normal...i was shocked and deep down ive probably not accepted it...which is stupid.

However, four days after the result came back, i started googling the tingling and to my horror, its all pointing to MS.....started in the back of my thighs and travelled down to my calves now...doesnt hurt just feels like my nerves going haywire! dont really get them anywhere else, apart from like i said, abit of pins and needles in my fingers....

Ive tried to convince myself its anxiety (my gp said it was this) but something has really got me to the depths of despair...i noticed a couple of weeks ago, one pupil was bigger than the other (mainly in dim light)...so, again, i google and again it comes up as MS!

i made an appointment to a reputable optician and told him my concerns...he did a thorough check and basically said there was nothing wrong with my eyes and put on my receipt/card....come back in 2 years time.

I have been put on one x 20mg fluoextine tablet per day, after i just couldnt stop panicking....the frustrating thing is that i dont remember if the even pupil dilation was before or after taking the meds!....ive been on the tablets nearly 3 weeks....

As you can see, im in abit of a pickle and i cant see any other outcome but being told ive got MS (im 37)....i have a GPs appointment in two weeks, which of course i will again address with him.

Had a similar thing about HIV five years ago but this seems alot more real and i didnt have any pins and needles that time.

thanks for any advice!


11-06-09, 17:37
i believe someone just posted somthing similar, do a search about the different size pupils. MS and anxiety have a lot of similar symptoms, and if your symptoms got worse when you started worrying about your health, then it sounds like your anxiety caused them.

13-06-09, 14:11
I wish Google diddn't exist sometimes !

Ive been having palpitation & missed heartbeats for around 9 weeks now. Alongside them, I was getting muscle twinges in my legs at the time (dont get them now). I also still get a sudden feeling of tiredness which I can only describe as a feeling of tiredness you get when pregnant (Im not btw) which strikes and is gone within seconds or minutes .I was also getting, and still have a dull pain which comes and goes in my upper back area. I also have a lump in throat feel which I feel to one side all the time. A visit to ENT & a camera up my nose & an examination of my neck confirmed nothing sinister was there I also feel breathless at times as if I cant inflate my lungs properly
I have had a clear xray and an ECG which picked up only one heart dip.

The latest thing is chest pains, or shall I say twinges which sometimes are in the middle of my chest, sometimes to the side, My right arm in certain positions gets really achy and I get pins and needles after a short while which leads to my thumb and forefinger going numb if left for long enough. Symptoms with the arm stop when I move position or shake my hand around

I googled my arm symptoms and also got pages of ms symptoms up. Ive now been crying for the last 2 hours on and off. Im so frightened.

Ive got an appointment tomorrow with a dioc who I havent seen over all of this, ive seen about 3 others in the practice, all say post viral, even though symptoms started a week before our family went down with a virus.

I am now panicking, that not only do i have heart probs (which docs dont seem to think) I now have MS

I am so scared, and depressed. I would appreciate someone to give me a swift kick :weep: