View Full Version : Help! Symptoms reassurance Does anyone else get the same? Please please help!

11-06-09, 16:20

I have been to the dr's twice this week and been told both times that I am suffering from anxiety, brought on by an "episode" saturday where i got really, really bad heartburn, because I had not been taking my lamparolze tablets for acide reflux properly - basically what happened was I got the indegestion, paniced and then went off into a really "black" place and have really struggled all week.

I went to the dr's Tuesday night because had convinced myself from symptoms that I had heart problems, which were investigated and gp assured me it was anxiety - Wednesday night similar, but also becuase heartburn wasnt getting better had convinced myself had osophogus cancer... again, dr has said none of the symptoms I show, or having examined me would make them feel I have anything wrong with me other then the anxiety....

My symptoms have eased up during the week and I do feel better in myself, which is fantastic, but I have this nagging worry that "I've found something that the medical professional havnt spotted yet" and because I have this nagging in my chest area/throat that they are all wrong and I have something really serious - so wondered whether anyone else has similar after a week or so of anxiety.

1. Not a pain, but a heavy sensation in the middle of my chest, between my boobs, which comes and goes - if I'm on the phone, talking etc, not aware of it, but seems to be there all the time, as if someone has "placed" something on my chest and I just can't get it off.

2. Dry throat, swallowing more and a bit more indegestion/burping then I would normally have with my tablets being taken.

3. A feeling that I have a "clock or a pulse" ticking that I can hear.

4. Really aware of my breathing to the extent that I "think" I breath different to other people and that I have to conciiously "take a breath" as opposed to my body just doing it?

I'd really appreciate just knowing that someone else feels the same and especially worried about the chest area. My mum says, what do you expect, you've had a really bad attack of acid reflux, your wound up and stressed, of course your chest is going to feel strange - just wondered if anyone else, a fews days "on" feels the same - its a heavyness as opposed to a pain or an ache, amost a pulsation??


11-06-09, 17:19
Hey Deb,

I'm smiling as I write this because the way your anxiety came on is very similar to the way mine did and the symptoms you describe are identical to those I have experienced.

I had a mild panic attack at work that came completely out of the blue about 3 months ago - I'm having a stressful time with my personal life at the moment but I thought I was coping quite well - but this panic attack really plunged me into this awful state of anxiety. I experienced a tight feeling in my chest and thought I had caused a viral infection in my heart because I had been to the gym when I had the beginnings of a head cold. I went to the docs who checked me out and said all was well and it was health anxiety.

From then on, I had all the feelings you have described, and some! It went on to dizziness and lightheadedness, then more recently it's breathlessness. The symptoms usually always come on quite unexpectedly, it doesn't seem to be when I'm feeling particuarly anxious, but if I concentrate on something else they always go away!

I expect my anxiety is still lurking about because my stressful situation hasn't changed, but I'm trying to do something about that. I'm sure the symptoms will ease as I find a calmer place in my mind, and I'm sure yours will when you have got used to taking your meds properly and you don't experience this heartburn etc! Good luck with it all, you're not alone and you will get through this tough period!

11-06-09, 17:31
i have a little of numbers 2 and 3, a bit different though. its definately anxiety. and as far as your breathing, its like my swallowing, once you start paying attention to it, it gets very difficult, then you are in a habit of paying attention to it and its a vicious cycle..